August 18, 2013

breaking the

Hey there snuggle friends! It's a lovely Sunday evening here in Los Angeles, though (as I often do) I wish I was somewhere else. I wish I was in the Favelas of Brazil, taking photos of life, though I'd much rather be on the beach, having photos taken of my pale whiteness under that bright Portuguese sun.

I'm sitting in my apartment, not yet a crinklepants but that will happen in the near future. I was chatting w/ old friends and i've just put on the light-hearted romantic comedy (no) "Breaking the Waves". It's by one of my favorite directors, and I have a feeling it'll be too sad and scary for me to finish tonight. I make the same squeeky noises as Emily Watson does while making love. 

I have a *happy* music video to share, pretty people and pretty sounds.

I also found some of the My Little Pony pullups. They fit (3t-4t size) but just barely. Below are 2 photos of myself showing how wet my wet nappy is. Again, the brand of nappy was sent to me by a friend and I won't be sharing it, though they look cute they aren't terribly good. I have some Attends also, so i'll be wearing those more soon.

Hope everyone had a fun weekend, more photos and phun soon! Hugs!!!


  1. Gah that sleeper is super cute (and so are you!) :D

    Green ftw :D

  2. Cute like the pjs

  3. I like the PJs very cute

  4. Wait they have My Little Pony Pullups now????

  5. Could you do another footy pajama fashion show?


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them