July 13, 2012


Hey there! I made a cool video today, but the sounds a little messed up. I'll do another one tomorrow! 

I miss NY! I don't really miss the part of it in the picture, but you can tell by my smile I def. felt the energy of the city <3

I got recognized walking down the street today, by this random girl in front of a pet store. She was really friendly, we got a picture together. It always amazes me that people can just notice a familiar face like that. TV is a powerful thing, the images really stick, *be careful*

More stuff soon! Cuddles! 


  1. Seems like it was Little cold out There?

    1. Did you delete the last post riley?

  2. Well, the upside is that it's not like New York City burned to the ground when you drove away.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.


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