July 5, 2012


Hey there friends! It's the day after July 4th - listening to some Flying Burrito Brothers - my neighborhood was crazy last night and still is consistently blowing stuff up, I think LA has the S. Bronx beat when it comes to fireworks madness! I'm hiding inside for now, this post will be a Smörgåsbord of stuffs so grab some leftovers and come traverse the crinkly information super-highway!

I'd first like to congratulate The Big Little Podcast for starting their second season! I can't say enough about this show, I've been long-time listener as well as 3-time guest (12 & 3) though they are notorious for scheduling me after something crazy <3 Other than being entertaining and enlightening, the strong message of inclusiveness is why I feel this show is so important. Hosts Spacey & Mako and the guests keep a informal, open-minded atmosphere, it's often raunchy, funny, educational, not bigoted or judgemental. Spacey also runs LittlesMunch.com which I've utilized for my NYC munch, and Mako's writing I've utilized for naughtier purposes... I consider them personal friends, and the folks that come on their show help reaffirm that this community is *full* of awesome people. 

Next up is Tumblr, the newish blogging platform which has become a porn lovers dream and a DMCA nightmare. This week i've been getting visitors from ABJane, there are tons of pics from her paysite as well as selections from all over the internet. Attribution is quiet difficult on Tumblr, and you often have to trace back multiple steps to find the source ,if its even there at all, of non-tagged amatuer pics. Its a mess, scam sites like IMABDL (associated with Bambino mascot Adrian Surley) actually make money off of stealing content and charging access, very shady business. ABJane seems to be just sharing cute pics to promote her site and in effect, promote mine, mostly win-win. Tumblr has become the picture killer app for me, I don't entirely support this big Tumblr migration but my masturbation habits sure do, check out this reddit post for some winners

How about a little diaper chat? Couple new things to report, apparently Goodnites are making bedmats, I attained a few and will be doing a review shortly. A wonderful AB/DL store on Etsy called "Never Grown Up" is up and running after a short hiatus, i *highly* recommend you check these out, cute patterns, they fit great, i've used their products as both a disposable cover and as a cloth diaper with inserts, i'm really starting to love cloth! The diapers creator does a few things to take the guess work out of ordering,such as putting snaps across the entire front of the product so you can adjust as your tummy fluctuates. Cool patterns, affordable, check these diapers out <3

I have more crinkly thoughts to share... I occasionally peruse ebay for vintage adult diapers and interesting diaper sundries, more for curiositity than anything, and I came across these Pampers Phases from the early 90's. I remember last summer they came out with the Boy/Girl branded Pampers, blue for boys and pink for girls and only up to size 4 if i'm correct. It's interesting how things come in cycles, how at one point there were gender-specific adult undegarments like the Kotex Personals in the 90's and then it was all unisex for years and then back to gender specific. It seems the same thing happens with baby diapers, cloth and pullup diapers are often boy/girl, but baby diapers are just baby diapers, with Pooh Bear and innocuous things on them. It's kinda neat to see these old diapers "for boys" and though the 90's Luvs are bear and my favorite retro diaper, I bet the girl version of these are pretty cool... I've seen diapers go for much more than these are, it's obviously worth it to the people bidding.

The Pampered Princess Pageant is over and i'm looking forward to hearing the results - Thanks everyone who voted and be sure to check out Penny's site for the videos!

ZorroDaddys writings and coloring books, ABGussy's Clips4Sale site, the cuteness which is DiaperedKitten, the diaper-sphere sure has lots of cool peoples in it :) A friend in the Las Vegas area is looking to sell a large locking-top crib, you can write me if you're interested in contact info, I wish I had space for one! I'll be doing a little webcam show tomorrow evening at 10PM EST featuring me, bear and lots of diapered fun, so come play, it's free and easy <3 access just visit here Friday night!

Let me know if I missed your site or if something is going on awesome in the diaper world that people should know about. I'll be posting a more fleshed out links page, along with other site improvements sooooon. Phewww! I've spent enough time talking about everyone else, i'll get back to my gleefullly self-centered posts soon! I've got a laundry list coming up, a new diaper-game, stories, reviews, crinkly pics! Exciting stuff! Thanks for reading, stay ::connected:: and stay diapered!


Two things I forgot to add!

*A studio is doing a documentary on the AB/DL experience, check out their site and if you're interested and live in the United Kingdom give them an email! They seem cool, be on guard and express yourselves honestly and openly. If you think it'll me your life up, don't do it. I fear their intentions may be too good, i don't feel like a disenfrachised minority as much as a misunderstood hobbyist. I'm going to keep in touch with them and would appreciate the participation of some of my awesome UK readers, Thanks!

*I also have a P.O. Box if you have issues with WePay <3

Ok, that's all! See everyone here at 10PM EST!

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