October 15, 2013

Are These OK Daddy? pt. 1

"Are these ok Daddy?" Riley asks, holding up a pair of attends and her powder. Daddy nodded, he and his little girl were going out, lunch and a movie, Riley was fresh out of the shower and it was time for a nappy.

Riley knows once she's put into diapers, then she'll have to stay in them, no more potty privileges. That idea always causes butterflies, at least until she sucks her thumb and accepts it.

She sometimes thinks about sucking things other than her thumb, Daddy says "Diapers first".

"these diapers have big leg gathers and they're so crinkly... maybe I should have gotten my goodnites..."

"Sorry Riley, but we're going to be out for a while and I don't want any accidents". She holds up the big poofy diaper and tries to hide her smirk, she has leaked on Daddies leather seats more than once.

She may fuss now and then about having to wear them, but Daddy knows that deep down Riley likes the attention of changes, the warm comfyness of her diapers.

That's why he still keeps her in them, her bedwetting issues could have been solved with proper training and limiting water, the diapers were supposed to be a temporary solution. But she slept so soundly in them that Daddy insisted that she wore her protection to bed "just in case".

Nighttime diaper changes became a ritual, a time for Daddy/Little bonding. Her bedwetting became more frequent, and thicker diapers/plastic pants were introduced. It just became part of their lives, Daddy even admitted that he liked the smell of babypowder and wet girl.

 Every-night before bed, Riley chooses a pair of plastic pants from her warddrobe, holds them up with both hands and asks "Are these ok Daddy?"

 She thinks the plastic pants are a bit much, but Daddy insists. The snaps make it easier to change her, and Riley gets all pouty and sad if she leaks.

She remembers the first time Daddy put her in diapers during the day, Daddy came out of the shower in the morning to find her, clutching her stuffy, quietly weeping on the bed in a very, very wet diaper.

Daddy took Riley's hand, put it to her mouth instructing her to suck her thumb, which she did, softly purring to her partner. He gently layed her down, put his strong hands on the side of her face, feeling her soft hair, she immediatly nuzzled against it. He hummed a calming tune and changed her out of the very wet diaper. She felt safe, and a smile came out from under the tears.

He put her in the bath as he got ready for the day, and as she dried up she felt much better. She found another diaper and her pink starry dress neatly laid on the bed, and she knew what it meant. As Daddy taped on her first daytime diaper she knew that as long as she's with her Daddy, he's going to take care of her.

 Part 2 Tomorrow! Hugs from this little girl, all wrapped up in her Daddy dreams :)

Audio Version!



  2. No video, just some snapshots of a diapered day :P

  3. Hehe cute story and awesome picture set :D

  4. I love the story and please go on telling it!


  6. I love this post. Please do more of them. As I am reading this post I think about being the daddy and changing you. That would be so special.

    You are so beautiful and special Riley


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