August 31, 2013

plastic pants and clichés

 Exhibit A: 
Riley Kilo, in plastic pants.

 Exhibit B:
An Email I received. It's weird to get emails from mainstream sources that speak to your life. I was in bed, had just leaked a little bit outside of my Attends and before crawling out of bed I was checking my phone email... a habit I'm not fond of, but I digress. I saw the title of this email and thought, wow, I really do need something to better manage leaks, but it's probably not wearing a Depend. Regardless, it was nice of them to offer.

Thinking it might be of some help, I also forwarded the email to the NSA :P 

I have been a good girl, have some exciting travel coming up next month, thanks for reading and stories and cuddles and more stuff sooooooon!


  1. Riley Riley Riley, how many times do I have to tell you, you must wear your plastic panties over your diapers to prevent the leaks. Tsh Tsh. And there are so many cute Pink Plastic Panties.


  2. Cute as can be :3

    Also, does this mean that someone from Depends PR follows your blog? Cause that'd be sweet, Riley as a spokesperson ;)

  3. I know, plastic panties are important... I have been really liking cloth training pants with cloth insides and plastic outside, they're snuggly :P Plus you need to go through a bunch of plastic pants to find the right pair, I only have a couple that fit perfectly.

    Hehe, I'm sure some promo or SEO person at Kimberley Clarke knows about me :p I don't know if I could really consciously promote Depend, I only like them because they're so crinkly, not because they're good diapers :P

  4. I need to get me a good set of plastic pants, but it's so hard when I'm so small :( Any tips Riley? (Since you mentioned you're rather small as well :P)

    Hmm that's true, I only really liked Depends for that reason as well, plus the fact that they were just a plain white diaper :P Though maybe their master plan was to have you post about that email and get free PR as they are the secret Diaper Illuminati! :O

  5. oh rie... can you get any cutier?! lots of luv and luck on your upcoming travels XD! love, bobby a.k.a zombobby666

  6. I love my cloth diapers and plastic pants. That is all I wear they are more economical and I love the softness of them.

  7. You always look great when you wear plastic pants


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