March 9, 2013


 Hey there friends! I am just about to go on a little crinkly adventure to a diaper party here in LA. 

I miss having boobs. After taking a lower dose of hormones for a while, I kinda lost some boob size. This is also a really well angled picture, taken in Sept. 2011. 
They've gotten smaller, but they're coming back :)

I'll keep you posted about my boobs and more! I'm feeling awesome about being back on hormones day and night and my shy awkward self is being ruthlessly clubbed by my happy social self.

 More soon, regardless of cup size.


  1. I love your boobs no matter what size they are :)

  2. "my shy awkward self is being ruthlessly clubbed by my happy social self" I love this! Such positive thought with ruthlessly clubbed included. :)

  3. Love your optimism. - BW


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them