March 13, 2013

love or light or heat whatever

My tummy hurts! I ate a bunch of bad food yesterday and now my tummy is unhappy with me :(

I am headed further West this afternoon to meet with a friend, goto the beach & take lots of photos. I'm even going to wear some crinkles under my cute little shorts :P 
I'll be busy until Monday at least, wish me clear skin and good lighting.

Everybody seems to be shacking up these days. This likely sounds like old hat to you, loneliness is a recurring theme on this blog, in my life. I have friends, lovers but nobody wants to "buy the cow", and those who do are married, flaky, not in a good place in their lives or a million miles away. It's even worse when they are all 4. I'm assuming that people meet each other at school, their jobs, through friends or through dating sites. Well, it's tough being of non-normative gender, a well-known fetishist and in a town where you don't really have a friend base. I went to a party to make new friends the other night, it was boring and the host felt he needed to make it clear that he wasn't attracted to "Men or TG", which was largely unsolicited. I've been to a ton of parties in my time, and this was one of the most awful, that's what I get for being excited about something.

Most guys I meet love the *idea* of dating a transgirl or a diaper girl, but when one is sitting across the table from them it seems to be too much. Maybe i'm too much? Maybe I'm the one who is awful and undatable, not these men? Since getting on a more positive vibe over the last few weeks, therapy etc, I've been feeling more open about things like dating. Naturally my first few attempts have been the emotional equivalent of one of those electric flyswatter paddles to the testicles, so I'm going to stop trying for a little while. I've been focusing more on me, job hunting and staying sober, wearing diapers and making more content. I've even started volunteering more and working closer with GJLA, which is super important to me. I've gone from looking for a job I want to looking for any job, I can make it freelance, but it's been almost 3 years since I had a normal job, it's about time to get back into the workforce and start enjoying things like benefits, buying a car, socialization etc.

I'm not ABDreams or Aunt Elli, I'm not in this community for money, I'm not a series of models and photographers selling a certain reality. The folks who have been reading this site for years know that i'm here to enlighten myself and others, to expand our understanding of this experience and to grow as littles and as people. This keeps me going, knowing that myself and others are not just here to make a quick buck or draw attention to ourselves, but we're actually building a conceptual foundation for a new and fascinating human behavior. We're not drawing lines or putting others down to lift ourselves up, we're learning to accept ourselves and the many "taboo" aspects of this experience. When I feel lonely, when I see these diaper girls with their boyfriends, I do feel a bit of jealousy... but where I may not snuggle up every night with the same lover, but I know I'm in bed with some wonderful minds in the AB/DL world. I can and will namedrop, but for now you cats know who you are. Thanks for reminding me that this scene isn't just cold feeted guys and pretty cis-girls on pedestals.

Bit of a morning rant I know, but I wanted to share that 'm going to actually have some diaper fun this weekend & take a ton of new pics. I'll even have a chance for some cuddles... this little girl may not need a partner or people around all the time, but she sure needs a little love or light or heat now and then. I've got so much love to give to the right person... I sometimes feel that right person for me, that soulmate, fell down a well or went off to war and never came back, that i'm forever a lost soul in an empty fishbowl. I guess if I were a poet i'd try to convince myself and others of this, but really, I just attract a percentage of a percentage of the world and have to be patient. 

I'm sure there's a Beatles quote about loving yourself before anyone else can love you, probably one from Paul. Hugs, more stuff soon, thanks for listening :)


  1. Hang in there, Riley--I know how you feel. You'll meet the right person--and it will probably happen when you're not really looking; lots of wonderful relationships get started that way!

    Have a great weekend, Riley :-)

  2. Things will turn out for the best Riley! You're not awful nor undatable, you'll find the right person soon! Just have to stay positive and it will work out :)

  3. ^^ +1 love has a habit of appearing when you least expect It, and from what I know of the abdl scene, most guys into it are not the kind of guys you want to be in a relationship with riley, you need a guy that wants to be with you, not what your underwear is ;) try not to put yourself down to much, your knight in shining armour might be closer than you think

    remember whatever you might think, you are beautiful

  4. Hello Riley,

    Do you have a diaper fetishist scene? Why not go to the meetigs of them? Do they organize weekends, etc? Get to knwo fellow diaper wearers in person. That is worth more than internet & co.


  5. Honestly, Riley, I've been a big fan of yours since I first found you. I share a lot of interests as you do, I'm also a trans* diaper girl. Haven't been able to start hormones yet though :(. I'd totally love to date you though, if only I was in the right area.

  6. Riley,

    It takes two for a relationship and it needs to be based upon loving ALL of you and not part of you. It's you loving all of them and both of you grounded in the reality of life rather than the excitement of our fantasies and desires. It's just too easy to get a one dimensional view of you here and that view, though exciting and fulfilling, isn't enough to sustain a relationship. If the guy doesn't want to get to know ALL of you the good, the bad, the indifferent, then be thankful they're walking away sooner than later.

    Hang in there...better to be alone available and open to meet the right one than with the wrong one.


  7. I am a huge fan of yours. You have done much, and I have confidence that you will continue to do much more. You are super cute and very adorable, which I have said before.

    I assure you that you are NOT "awful and undatable." Some people can not see a good thing even if you are right in front of them.

    Please Riley, believe me, I would court you, heartbeat, but I am one of those men who are probably too far away from you. I sincerely see this as a tragedy.

    Please do not lose faith in yourself, and do not lose faith in love.


  8. Im new to your site my name is chris ... look the best thing for you is you .. you have to find your self .. the best teacher is experience... when you fall down pick your self up dust your self off and say I can do this .. when someone says you cant show them that you can we are all people regardless of who or what you are thoes that poke fun who knows maybe there into it them selfs and just dont want to admit it ... I have been kicked around knocked down tripped shoved and told I cant do it .. and when im told I cant do it I figure out a way to do and prove them wrong .. your out look on life is awesome DONT EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU YOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH ... ive been kinda following you here and there on the different web sites and youtube and I have to say you have given me alittle inspiration with in my life as well .. if you want to be a little or a big if you want to wear diapers or dont wear diapers that your choice and your choice alone .. and if someone cant handle it then there not your friends... keep doing what your doing and dont change for anyone but you .. ill be back from time to time to see if theres a reply if not thats fine if you want to talk some time thats fine as well...

    Take care chris


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them