March 2, 2013

oh yeah

Hello friends!

This is just a quick little update to share some happy thoughts. I have much to say but am just finding the words... I know it's not much of a post, but I wanted to express that I'm feeling better than I have over the last few posts. Seeing a therapist and my birthday have been catalysts for positive change, I've done stuff in my room to make it easier to take pictures, feeling cute and even though the pictures I tried to take this morning turned out awful I will just try again. It's not that I don't feel pretty, it's more that I need to get more comfy with my current set-up & get better at taking photos.

Since my birthday I have been wearing my diapers everyday! Not all day everyday, but in the mornings and evenings and sometimes during the day. I didn't wear for a while because sometimes wearing diapers makes me feel lonier than I already am... when I'm upset, stressed, frustrated, diapers are a great way to make me feel better and find a happy cuddly peaceful mindset to manage those feelings. When I'm depressed, my crinkles (among other favorite things, music/stuffed animals/friends etc.) all seem like too much to handle and end up getting ignored. When I'm normal or even *happy* baby powder and music fill my home, people and success no longer scare me. It feels good and I miss it, I have been such a little crinkler the last few days :P With the right balance of hormones, diapers and love, I think this little girl has a chance to flourish like a cherry blossom tree, not stand rigid like bamboo.

In the time of writing this post I changed out of my wet Depends and put on a size 5 Overnight CVS diaper, I miss being a diaper girl! I missed positive feelings and it just took a little motivation and support to get myself back to good. Thanks to the folks who've written with kind words, expect more stuff soon! Hugs everyone! This is an older pic of me in the ABU BMX's... more cuteness soon :P


  1. I know that you said this was an older pic, but it is still super cute, Riley.

    I am glad that things are going better for you. Yay for Happy Riley!


  2. Thanks for the update Riley. I always look forward to them, you brighten my day . Im glad your doing better, I can relate to some of the things your dealing with maybe in a different way . Jay

  3. You look so cute in this picture


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them