January 2, 2013

the infamous RileyDia

Hey listen! I put up a ton of videos on an old YouTube account that was banned for a year!

Check out this channel! Enjoy it before it all gets taken down, 29 videos all in one efficient YouTube package. Videos dating back to my very first protectionblog video in April 2008. I have to say, these videos are ancient but they show my evolution... it's a bit sad a points seeing how optimistic I'd been at times for things that didn't work out, but that's life. I'll delve into that more in a later post and it won't be pretty, something to look forward to. 

Here's one of my favorite videos, it's about how much fun you can have by pushing a couch up against a wall. It's a testament to creativity, to figuring it out with friends and how experimentation leads to innovation. When I lay in bed at night wondering if i've contributed to society, I think of this video and then doze off happy with my bear. 

Yes, I know, I'm sure I could be doing more... just watch the silly video :P 

Thanks for watching, if you're new to these videos or have been around since the beginning, I'm so happy to have such a supportive group of people cheering me on :) 

More soon! It's not to late to do a year in review video, right?

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Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them