January 19, 2013

bad news and bears

There's a bear in my bed... bear is probably the only one who would get close to me at this moment...

I like(d) Panera Breads, a soup/salad cafe that is most well known for it's co-op resteraunts where you can work to make up what you eat. That's not how it is in Studio City, but I admire those ethics from a large chain like Panera. I had a Spinach and Artichoke souffle on Weds morning, and I'm just now barely able to eat solid food.

About an hour or so after the souffle I started feeling sick, layed down, then it got much much worse very fast. I won't go into details, but the first 12 hours was probably one of the most miserable experiences of my life. For a little girl like me losing all those fluids can be really tough, I still am pretty weak but at least my stomach isn't completely crampy and awful. I'm almost scared to eat, I'm going to be on the BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) diet for the next few days, I'm hoping I get something other than Pedialyte and chicken broth.

I'm just writing this to update... I was planning on going to Vegas for AVN (wish me luck tonight) but had already kinda made the decision against going before my sickness, it's not my scene really, I'd rather stick with the fetish folks :)

Talk soon friends... Hugs and I've recieved some pretty awesome things lately and want to let you know that I am grateful for every letter, gift, hug and smile that is sent my way. We're all one Souffle from being horrible, naked, puking messes, and we're just one weekend away from unshaven, gross Riley to cute pampered little princess :P More soooon!


  1. I hope you feel better soon, Riley.

  2. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Sorry to hear you're sick! Sounds horrible.
    By the way, it was unlikely to be that soufflé. Food poisoning in all its usual forms takes at least 6 hours (usually 6-24) to develop. From the very quick onset it sounds like you had norrovirus. Nothing to do but wait and be kind to yourself. You are also infectious for up to 3 days after major symptoms end, so best to limit your contact with healthy humans!

  4. thanks for the happy thoughts guise, feeling better, think i might go get my flu shot today.

  5. I hope that you feel better, baby girl.


  6. Hi Riley,

    I hope you feel better soon.


  7. Praying for you, Riley-Kilo... <3<3<3

  8. i was wondering if you could add my site to your links www.babycody.net


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them