January 27, 2013

a few in bed

I have some questions, questions that i've been asking myself and not really getting any good answers. I'm going to be starting therapy ASAP, going in to start working on the financial aid stuff for that, for hormones and for school in Fall on Tuesday. Exciting moment change, unfortunately it's been a pretty strange, tough year so far and I'm going to feel much better when I turn in rent this month. I'm entirely responsible for the tough times I've been having (except the food poisoning, that was just bad luck) and I am kinda tired of trying to be sane and productive on my own, I need a little help from my friends, from professionals... I want to feel good about being a girl again, but lately it's just been conjecture and "am I really doing the right thing?". This kind of anxiety has been wrecking me, and it's been wrecking me for a long time now. I need to get back on the tracks or stop the train.
I'll be sharing some stories of munch parties, these internal dialogues I've been having, new outfits and fun stuff like that. This blog has been really personal lately, my confidence has been in the dumps and my art has been portraying that. I can't say the clouds are breaking just yet, but I'm sure they will.

Ignore that last post about my private site, there's been a dynamic shift largely due to my mismanagement of DropBox, the concept of a private site like the one I offer isn't really sustainable... I still operate it and if you signed up, it's still totally available (and will be for a long, long time) but I'm no longer accepting new members.

The best bet is my clips4sale. It'll be up soon. In the meantime, here's a few snuggly pictures taken with a new camera that was sent to me by a wonderful friend :) I have lots of exciting positive stuff going on, but those traditional stresses like cash & confidence fog it all up. It'll be ok, hugs guise... love from your little Riley girl~


  1. Riley :) I sent you an email ^^ Read it and feel free to talk to me if you need to vent out :)

  2. We spoke briefly on fetlife before my profile got reset ( it was me) and i have internet stalked you form a far for a while and i just want to say you are quiet pretty and keep your chin up this is age where you start to doubt your self more and more and it makes it hard to get things done.

  3. Hello Riley,

    There is a growing number of babygirls with trans* and intersex background. We should also reach out into the vanilla transworld for networking.

    But first we need to accept ourselvses. Wearing diapers and being a babygirl became part of my identity.


  4. very cute were are the footey pj

  5. I'm sorry you're sick and lying in bed for a long time. I want to help. Read to you a nice tale? Maybe we play cards? :) Get well soon, darling!

  6. Very cute you should do some pics in footie. Pjs

  7. I would have sent this by email, but I do not have your email addy.

    First off, your pics on this post are super adorable. Very cute.

    Also, about your doubts, I have seen the pic that you posted on FL, of your transition. Please do not take this the wrong way. I am not always the most articulate person. You make a far cuter and far more more adorable little girl, than you were as a male.

    Also, being a little girl seems to be more natural to you. My personal opinion is that you made the right choice being a little girl, and you made the right choice being in diapers.

    You are super cute. Keep your head up, lil one.


  8. I wish I knew what kind of questions you rack your mind with.

  9. Cheer up! You aren't doing anything wrong. You have to be yourself... - but realize there will ALWAYS be ups and downs... lows and highs. :hugs: - Mitchy

  10. I hope that I did not offend you. It was most definitely NOT my intention. You are an absolutely super cute baby girl and I love your pics. I hope that you feel better.



Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them