December 15, 2012

the fearless femme

Ready for a gooey torrent of thoughts? I'm the Marc Summers of this emotional slopstacle course and i'm about to slime you with what's been spinning around my head lately. On your mark, get set, GO!

 It's been a month since I moved into my new place, 15 days since the drama settled down with the old tenants. I've managed to organize most of my stuff, now there's just a bit of Boogie Woogie Fung Shui to get the furniture right, but i'm pretty darn happy. Success on the new place! 


I thought for a while that maybe by doing things to suppress my testosterone was in fact hindering my motivation, part of the reason why I slowed my hormones for a bit earlier this year. After getting back on them, I don't believe that cutting down on T makes you more or less of a go-getter. Though it does mess with my masturbation drive, that's ok, I should have different parts anyway, I will never miss getting random erections all the time. My desire to do, to become the leading [blank] in the field of [blank] all while teaching the world to [blank]. My sex/romance drive is just fine as well, my Cuddledrive© is def. supercharged. I need to be kept in diapers and have someone inside me I will always be a little domme, a little agressive now and then, but as I get further into transition I mostly just want to be a little.

Have I shared this story yet? Huggies going out of production in the UK...
Let's all say it together... "I guess the mayans were right!" har har

There's been a couple key things that I've been concerned about, other than the standards (discrimination etc.)

Creating a more sustainable and healthy diet for the world.

The over-prescribing of behavior modification drugs, specifically to children. 
Sexual freedom, proclivity towards violence over sex in media.

These are things that I think about often, even occasionally write about in between the crinkles and cuddles. I'm considering starting college in the fall.

 If you had any idea of the things people write to me, in comments and in emails, you would be sick.
Some people haven't gotten what they needed, they turn to hurt the world. It scares me sometimes. not because i'm afraid of stalkers or bullies, I am a fearless femme and have encountered worse, I am not afraid of you and I will beat your ass (Great song)
I'm not afraid of them, i'm afraid for them.

 Seeing the world's anger has shown me it's potential for love, for change, it fortunately hasn't completely corrupted me. I do get hurt by some of these letters, and if that was the intention, then the internet has succeeded more than once. It may blur my vision but it won't end it, it won't make me turn back or turn bad. And to the ones that really sting, please, don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them.


A new generation of my little family is starting very soon.
Children are a good way to remind us why we need to make the world a kinder place.


 I think this has been a successful post, thanks for reading my little thought process analysis. I used lots of links and italics and that german language pun in the last bit was totally unintended. Hope you liked the post, more pics very soon!


  1. Glad to hear the internet hasn't completely corrupted you. You're a nice little girl; and I wish you nothing but positives especially going into the new year! :)

  2. Another wonderful post.
    Wow no more huggies in the UK, feel sorry for parents that use those diapers on their babies.
    Good luck on college
    And happy holidays.


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them