September 19, 2012


sometimes i like to dress up pretty and wear frilly plastic pants

sometimes i like to wear tights, not because they hide or because they fit with an outfit, just because they feel good to wear

sometimes i need to turn off the feelings inside and enjoy the feeling of my clothes, of my little soft body, of my padded bottom, of the growing wetness of my attends between my legs

sometimes it just feels right and it doesn't matter why

sometimes it really does cheer me up to hear how cute i look in my diapers

sometimes i squeeze my stuffy and everything feels right

sometimes i feel i'm the loneliest girl in the world

sometimes i even take pictures of all these things....


  1. And thank you for taking pictures of all of these things. I hope you never stop. I love everything you do on all your different sites.
    -Matt (in the Keys)

  2. Why are you wearing your plastic pants over your tights? Can it be true?
    You, mild mannered Riley Kilo, are you Super AB?


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them