September 17, 2012


 ::breathes deeply::

 I'm going to do this whole post in one long breath. When I exhale, this site will resume normal blog operation, learning and growing and such. 

 ::breathes out::

 ::breathes in::

 A friend of mine passed away and I don't really know how to feel. He was a good friend but we lost touch to a certain extent over some footage, there was unfinished business. Sean was an atheist, a shitkicker, a punk rocker. He worked past his affliction to raise money for others. He shaved his head and became free. He turned me on to Marc Bolan, he was a child of the revolution. He is still teaching me to be a friend. I would give anything to turn back the clock and give Sean this footage, but they don't give time machines to people like me. With any death, there will be regrets amoungst those close. I want to share some video of my friend, here it is, let me take a breath because we may be running out...



 I miss him more than anyone can know. More blogs soon.

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