July 26, 2012


Hey there folks! I just wanted to let you know how happy I am, not just because of friends visiting, not just because I feel i've overcome a great sickness, nor because of my wonderful, magical day at Disneyland, I feel awesome because I AM awesome, and so are you. I'm trying to not to burn you or myself out on optimism, but yeah, i think i'm starting to figure some stuff out.

I've got a pretty deep list of new and improved bits of my life, and those are going to play out in the next week of posts. I'm going to be very busy this week! I'm feeling good, trying to balance out the positive with reflections on how to *stay* positive, as well as live out the moniker of this blog. It hasn't always been staydiapered.com - at points it was focused more on my day-to-day life, RileyKilo.com - and at its earliest times about budding feelings and coming out, beautiful and clumsy, a time when the world seemed against me. I needed comfort, encouragement, ineedprotection was the original name, followed by the simpler protectionblog.

I have more exciting things to write about than the history of names on this blog, I want my posts to be like Space Mountain, not Hall of Presidents, so i'm going to work on that! I'm on the train to a civil rights rally in Downtown LA and i'll keep myself energized by writing about my Tinkerbell adventure! Lots of pictures and fun stuff soon, thanks for reading and attached is a little preview of the adventure... I'm in love with box offices and old movie theatres, but thats not out of sorts, this little girl is always in love <3


  1. I am ver happy for you riley!! :-)
    you só cutelo in that foto!! ;-)
    Ass.: vp

  2. This is Nightdiapers from DiaperSpace and other such sites. I've been following your blog for a long time and wanted to say what a pretty girl you've become. Great outfit!! Keep rocking the great blog. You should post more shots wearing great outfits like this.

    Just thought it had to be said.


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them