July 22, 2012

California Stars

I love California. I love NY. I love music, and I love you.

I also love this website. The fact that people still read it that is. I haven't been the most consistent blogger in the world, but at least you know I'm not going anywhere. I think that's why I'm fearless in the face of my detractors. I've already signed onto this life, I always knew I was going to be really involved in media, recognized for *something*, but I didn't really expect this. I'll continue being honest if you continue reading, and giving me a little reprieve if the going gets tough. You know I'll be back.

I went to the Getty yesterday! I have a friend visiting from Brooklyn, a place I miss very much. I love it here in California, but my year in NY was what my life needed, to see the big picture, to see if I can make it there. I feel like it was a success, I breathed the city air, saw Occupy from Day 1 to Day 0, explored Brooklyn, Manhattan, Astoria and my home for that time, the Bronx. I explored upstate, Toronto, built both friendships and a wonderful piece of artwork that still stand today. I loved the East and though I'm not sure when i'll breath the Atlantic air again, I have made lifelong friends and it's wonderful when they come and see me in LA <3

Soooooo I guess the whole purpose of this post was to show you this video. I'm out doing lots of stuff and banking lots of pictures, so look forward to those very soon! Disney soon, then volunteering on Tuesday, TransRally weds, Arizona next weekend for family - big schedule, big hugs!

Thanks for reading <3 A favorite wanderer and son of Oklahoma, Woody Guthrie, turned 100 last week, this song is from one of his poems... this video is a combination of  beloved poets, musicians and the most sprawlingest of cities, I hope you enjoy <3

California Stars from Billy Bragg & Wilco's Mermaid Avenue Vol.1


  1. Hey, glad your staying strong through all these down times :) gotta say your a big idol in my eyes, I wish I had the determination and persistence that you have, wish I could email you and see if you could give me a few tips :) my email is abeeman88@yahoo.com

  2. This was a cool video; I love coming into the city just after sunset, especialy just before landing when your zooming low over the buildings before you hit the runway.

    You might like this one seeings you were in NYC:
    New York City & Times Square Night Tour



Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them