May 30, 2012

Via CapCon

Hello friends, it's Cincy Bear! Riley is being a busy girl out in the world doing grown-up stuff and didn't have time to write a post! So before she left Riley put me in a crinkly pair of baby diapers (my favorite kind) and sat me in front of the computer to share some stories from our latest adventures in Chicago!

I'm glad Riley takes me on travels, all these other stuffys are a bit much to handle by myself! This time i wasn't just coming along for emotional support (or as a convienent pillow) but I was going to be part of a little performance Riley had planned for CapCon! I think CapCon is some sort of diaper-testing ground, most everyone seemed to like diapers and even a few of the people were wearing them, Riley and I loved seeing so many crinkly people, it made us feel less weird about our nighttime requirements. Everyone was so cute too! Some people wore kitties and other people wore sleepers, I wish I could find a sleeper in my size but being a bear its like i'm always wearing a furry sleeper :P There were girls and boys and otherwise, it was nice to see crinkly boys because some of the events seem like only the girls wear diapers. I may wear panties and ribbons sometimes but i'm still a boy-bear <3

On the flight i could tell Riley was a little stress, that screen that she plays with messed up somehow and she lost all of her audio files and some of her notes, the whole flight she was writing and re-writing and getting twisted up in knots about her presentation. See, Riley has performed in front of crowds before as a comedian, toast-giver, activist, stripper etc, but this performance meant alot to her and she wanted to do the be job posiible. She started with a couple ideas, to do a puppet show and diapering tutorial with me and then to explore a bit deeper into the AB/DL experience and tell a story through guided meditation. I'll talk about the other parts of the performance after we watch this video of Riley and I! Riley hooked me up to this magical device that allows me to talk, pretty coool <3

We were just so excited to be there, outside of the presentation CapCon had plenty to do. We saw friendly faces from NELIcon and the internets, the event space was very well put together and as soon as the changing rooms were ready Riley got into her cutest little dress and snuggled around, there were people coloring, conversing, cuddling, it was a wonderful place for a little girl and her bear to be. They had a blind-folded coloring contest and there was little kid stuff everywhere, I was a very smiley bear. Later in the evening there was a littles pageant, we saw all the cool talents of the attendees and Riley even showed off her talent for gangster rap (!?). The "princess" winner was the wonderful Kitten from, she gave Riley a big hug and I could tell that was one of Riley's favorite parts of the weekend <3

Later that night was Riley's big debut, the room filled up with smiling people and I could tell Riley was nervous. After my little chance to speak (which you can see in the above video) we did a little diaper tutorial showing how Riley takes care of her bears diapered needs, including what to do if your littles "tail" stands up while you're changing. After the fun, Riley dimmed the lights, asked everyone to get comfortable and started her story. It was a story about a little librarian in a little town who has a strong desire to feel little. Throughout the story Riley asked the audience to close their eyes and pretend, and Riley switched the focuse of the story from a narrative to more of a guided experience, putting the audiences in the main characters role. It was a chance to let your mind go a bit, to use your imagination, to get closer to really feeling little. We bears aren't like humans, the human brain can really do some amazing things if you let it, the power of suggestion and a comfortable environment allow for some really wonderful exploration of the mind. Riley talks about this as the next step of ageplay, a deepening of the experience, she'll be sharing more of this with the internet as well as work on more live performance. She sees it as therapy, I see it as a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. By the end of the performance, some were asleep (which shows she did her job) and others were just comfy, the perfomance ended with some strong healing thoughts, as well as Talking Head's "Dream Operator", her intention was to invoke a little love, comfort, togetherness for the guests to take home with them, she hopes it worked.

After the performance, the drinks and the late-night activities started flowing, people who hadn't talked before had a chance to introduce themselves, the party went from room to room and they all stayed up wayyyyy past their bedtime. Except me of course, Riley put me to bed before going out so I can't attest to the scandulous things she got into that night. The next morning everyone was packing and getting ready to leave, there was a nice breakfast and closing ceremony, plenty of hugs and "can't wait to see you again"'s. Riley and I had a bus leaving late that evening but had a chanc to visit Chicago which is a wonderful town, the people walking down the street looked really cool and the locals we met were all very friendly, chill. I was heading to WesternNY then NYC afterwards,  reflecting positively on this event difficult. "Convention-drop" is a real thing, the jet-lag, the nervousness, it all can get to you, stay hydrated, take naps & don't forget to eat!

I'll end with a pic of a hotel room, a crinkly girl and a passed-out bear, I hope this illustrates CapCon 2012 was good fun <3 Riley and I had a lovely time, both at the convention and seeing the lovely city of Chicago. Thank you for all the kind comments, Riley always reads me the nice emails <3 You guys really keep her going y'know, I really think she'd be lost without this outlet, thanks for taking good care of my Mommy! Riley will be back to posting soon, thanks for reading and more bear cuddles soon, love you all <3


  1. Next year. I'll be there next year. I promise, for you and for Beardo.

    1. See you there! Bear is excited to meet you <3

  2. What an adorable and funny video :)

  3. That was so much fun. It was so nice to meet you, and I really hope you're able to make it again next year. Story time was great. It relaxed me enough to give me enough energy afterwards to survive a tickle filled pouncing by the above mentioned Kitten.


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