May 29, 2012

Road to CapCon

It was the first time I had stepped off a plane in Chicago knowing that I'd be staying for a while, I was nervous. Walking out of O'hare with my bag full of crinkles and clothes I turned to my bear for a little comfort, I was a bit out of my element... I asked bear if he was ready to meet some cool people, not just one or two but a whole bunch. Bear nodded, this little bear doesn't face anxiety like me, which makes him a very good traveling companion. Cincy insisted that we move forward so we got in a cab and headed towards *CAPCON*.

The Chicago Ageplayers have their stuff together. Around the end of 2011 I received an email from one of CapCon's (Chicago Ageplay Convention) board members and was invited to come out to do "something" at the convention. I told them YES! and I started working on a presentation. I was terribly excited, I've made some really good friends since I started exploring the ageplay scene outside of California. My first big event, the North Eastern Little Invasion, was a great experience. Here's a slew of links: PostKinky Video - - I had a wonderful time there, it was all so new! What you're seeing right now is the blossoming of the Ageplay Convention, a big necessary step for socialization of the community. To help explain, check out this rough timeline of the AB/DL communities advancement...

Freud, John Lennon & Oedipus set the groundwork.
Shameful thoughts lurk in the recesses of our minds, the closet.
Looking in the backs of magazines, we started sending each other letters.
  Moved to the dungeons and mail-order zines, a profitable niche 
The letters became emails, magazines became BBS.
Adult entertainment makes it easy to see another adult in a diaper.
Forums evolve alongside dating sites, "~lets meet in real life".
We tell our partners, post pictures of our partners, blogs start.
Online dating communities become ghettoized, forums provide more conflict than council.
Internet allows for local groups to spring up, munches begin.
The female AB/DL is demystified, the community becomes more inclusive.
A non-sexual definition of AB/DL becomes more prominent among some groups.
Furry conventions become huge, unspoken solidarity forms with the fur people.
Kinky becomes more accepted, the slow blossoming of the worlds sexuality.
Fetlife makes kinky organizing easy, "Why doesn't our town have one?".
Honest, organized people find leadership roles throughout the community.
Conventions spring up discretely, attendees report back positive things.
Munches flourish, positive representations of AB/DL begin appearing in media.
This post comes out, getting people excited about community organizing (right?)
The ageplay dynamic becomes as accepted as the dom/sub dynamic.
Slowly kinky, queer, creative, openminded people all begin to openly tolerate crinkly people.
A definitive piece of media comes out effectively destroying misconceptions.
Well-known celebrity opens up about AB/DL interests (my bets are on Sarah Silverman).
Some of the taboo nature goes away, wearing diapers becomes a little less thrilling.
NELIcon & Capcon & USLittles all hit their centennial.
AB/DL president is elected, eaten by a radioactive dinosaur.

Honestly, the future of AB/DL is an exciting one. Is there going to be a youth insurgence of diaper-wearing video game addicts that just wear for convenience? Is water going to become so scarce or transportation so difficult that diapers become the norm? Are plastic diapers going to completely disappear creating a new generation with exponentially less/more diaper fetishists? If space travel becomes more common, would diapers/alternative waste disposal methods become common, required? Honestly, I kinda got excited thinking about being "forced" to be cathed or diapered (or both, I know, i'm pretty kinky) before a little space flight, all tightly secured into a suit and seat with no control over my potty functions <3 Will it still be fun if it's normalized? Maybe yes, maybe no, I wear diapers everyday and I still love it, I just wanted to through some strange concepts at you. Let's get back to the convention, I started in Chicago now i'm in space writing Lisa Nowak slash fiction...

CapCon was fantastic. If you'd like more details about the specific happenings of the event, Zorro's, CapCon, or ABGussy's have pretty good details. I unfortunately lost most of my Ipad data before going to the event, which I will complain about next post. I don't have much to report back in terms of specifics as I didn't digest much of the actual event, I regrettably didn't attend any classes but was around for a few of the events, the Pageant was *lotsa* fun but the Nerf guns were too scary for me :0 I spent quiet a bit of time meeting new people and exploring, I had a few changes and wore a few cute little things. I like just observing, the main things that I noticed was this event was very well organized, this is CapCon's second year and it showed. The organizers etc know what they're doing and the hotel seemed to work with them, it's very difficult in these things to find a conducive venue. I was impressed, the schedule floated at times but that makes it a little more enjoyable I think, less strict, CapCon staff did well to keep folks informed as to what was going on. The attendees were from all over, as far as Alaska/Germany (even LosAngeles), all ages, sexualities, identities, colors, religions, it was a diverse event, I love that scope of individuality that you'll find in these little havens of subculture. It was eye-opening, everyone behaved, people treated each other with respect and new friendships formed. This was the first chance to meet other crinkly people for a number of attendees, no-pressure, just love.

If you have the opportunity to visit any one of the ageplay Conventions, do it. They're only going to grow, get better, and I feel privileged to be a part of the genesis of the AB/DL convention. The future excites me as much as it did walking out of NELIcon last year, CapCon has my full, unwavering support and I hope to attend (in my Attends) US Littles at some point. Are there any others? How long will it be until we start a California one? Who's coming to CapCon 2013 with me?

Bear and I made it safe home and have a bunch of wonderful memories. I'll be talking more about Chicago and sharing a video from my presentation tomorrow! Hugs to everyone I met there, Its sooooo cool to meet so many random & entirely friendly people. I'm gushy right now, I also want to sincerely thank the CapCon organizers, volunteers, they put on a wonderful convention and I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I specifically wanted to thank those who donated items to the Raffle which benefited the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (rock!).

Let's end on the happy thought of kinky and crinkly people getting together, having a great time and doing positive things for each other and for the world. Wonderful, what an age we live in! Hugs, Love and a bright future of crinkly togetherness <3 


  1. *hugs* It's so wonderful to see us forming communities! One day I'll make it to CAPCon.

  2. Sounds like a very enjoyable event. I wish to be able to participate one day. You are a very brave and wonderful person. Don't er let anyone tell you otherwise!!


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