May 11, 2012


I'm in Las Vegas, at a little bar waiting for my ride back to Los Angeles.

This place is a hot mess. I've got 3 hours left and that feels like an eternity. It's not bad, its just not my vibe, not into gambling away my hard earned coins, my days of getting wasted as a primary form of entertainment are long over, not really into stumbling drunks or blasting Sammy Hagar. I do like cute women with short-hair singing piano renditions of Blur songs, I think I found the only palatable place, thick smoke in the air and girls kissing *not* just to get the dudes looking. I've enjoyed this trip, met with some wonderful old friends and new. This has also been good preparation for my upcoming "RileyCare" venture, more stuff on that soon.

Despite the constant novelty (more on that soon as well) i've had a positive, profitable trip, and most importantly I got to wear my attends and walk around in my cute little outfit, a fresh faced young lady letting the light reflect off of her, suspending her own inner reflection for a moment, just a moment.

More soon, a man just walked up to the Piano and is playing a very heartfelt rendition of Weezers "Say it Ain't So", y'know, I might stay after all <3


  1. Hey there Riley your looking cute in that pink outfit Is your diaper wet in the photos look forward to hearing more about your Riley care venture safe journey home - hugs.

  2. I agree with "David." You are looking very cute in these pictures. I also look forward to hearing more about Riley care.

    You are adorable inside and out. "...a fresh faced young lady letting the light reflect off of her, suspending her own inner reflection for a moment, just a moment." Very Deep, Very Beautiful.

    Love the pics.


  3. Super cute as always can't wait to read more


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them