April 26, 2012

little girl things

I've been a girl for a while now, after 15 years of boyhood, I started dressing in private. A few years later I started expressing myself as a girl in public. At 20 years I changed my name, at 21 I identified myself as a different gender than on my birth certificate, at 23 I started hormones, at 26 I bought a new backpack.

It's funny, the little things. It's the little things that get you when your weren't paying attention, and a little thing got me today. As a teenager I rode motorcycles, my mom and stepdad were big into them, I took the classes and got my licsence, spent a couple paychecks on a 500 Rebel and started riding. It was great, i'm a lifelong cyclist and motorcycles were the logical next step. Eventually I took a trip down to Warped tour 03' in San Francisco, and that's the last time I took a bike, I sold it that day. I realized it wasn't my abilities I had to fear, but other drivers, at 5'2 and 110 lbs I would have been mist in a bad accident, almost dropping my bike on the bay bridge was enough to end my motorcycling career forever.

I had this black and lime green jacket that I donated, a helmet that went back to my stepdad, an ego that was a bit bruised and a backpack, a black and grey great, great, great backpack that I still wear to this day, well, maybe not this day. I was walking by a sports authority wearing my beaten up backpack,, and the penny-pincher I am noticed a Clearance sign inside the store. I saw some cute backpacks, and thought "I'm colorful, I should have a colorful backpack too!" I went inside, made sure my iPad fit, and bought it for $12, retail price $49.99. I basically won't buy anything unless it's on sale, story of my life.

So I have a cute new backpack. Whenever I wore the old backpack, I had trouble feeling like a girl, not because it wasn't pretty or adorned with flowers, but it was something that I had worn when I was being gendered as male. Transition isn't one of biology, of mentality, of clothes, of genitalia, it's alllllll of it and more, it's redefining yourself along your own lines. I like flowers, color, "pretty things", it's my style, I love dark, angry, fearful things, I like evening gowns and leather too, but I don't like to express myself that way often in my clothing. Added note, not a big fan of precious metals or designer clothes , into designing a unique style, recycling clothing.

It takes a looooong time to transition. To see it as a binary, as a beginning and an end, is faulty in my mind, I see getting SRS as a landmark, but I'm always changing, learning, defining myself, changing out old pieces of me for shiny new ones. The zipper may break on this backpack and I'll have to go back to the old one, I may find a better one, it could be stolen by a lover or a freak in the streets, the backpack doesn't make me more of a girl, but I made it part of the rich tapestry which is my self-expression, and it feels good right now.

Next time I go to the coffee shop to answer emails, I'll have my cute little flower backpack on, myself and others will feel the smile on my face from that little extra color I bring into the room, and then we'll all fade into the background and go along our way. I'll keep smiling <3


  1. I have been a diaper lover for years now and have a 2 year supply of crinkles. I wear them 24/7/365. Last Sat. I just bought my first harley and I love to ride as well. I really hope to meet in person so we can cruise. I also sent you a email asking you if you wanted a S/J. Please return my email and we will meet in person I hope. Prefered in a public place.

  2. Sorry I got ahead of my self didn't read the part of you selling it. My bad. I have been in a major wreck and hit a van broadside at 35mph but that didn't stop me. I still love to ride.

  3. Hey there Riley,material things and songs and what ever else remind us all of good times and sad times but keep moving forward stay bright and colorful keep that smile on your face and when that backpack wears out get a new and even brighter one we can't erase our past but we can shape our future let that lovely woman emerge from inside you and stay safe and happy,hugs to you.

  4. dear riley 3 year fan and love diapers and looking for a friend. would love to meet you in person if you are ever in MO. not shure if you are in to guys like me but would love to try. you are a big inspiration to me you helped me see the better side of my obsession. thank-you. sincerely Samuel Edward Campbell aka lildragon

  5. Dear Riley

    3 year follower and long time crush. would like to get to know you on a more personal level if you ever make it to Missouri.
    Sincerely sam campbell aka lildragon.
    ps email me at lildragon16@gmail.com


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them