April 13, 2012

a day a week a month even a year

1 month from now i'll be settling back in from a long month of travel

1 month from now the rain and cold will be replaced with heat and skin.

2 months from now I'll be accepting applications from submissives for Adult Babysitting sessions.

3 months from now my boobs might be a little bigger

3 months from now I'll have a studio/nursery in Los Angeles

6 months from now SRS will be a tangible, reachable goal

6 months from now I'll be in love, kept in diapers and cuddled every night.

9 months from now Nurse/Mommy/Big Sister Riley's Nursery will be the diapered destination in SoCal

1 year from now nothing will hurt and everything will be beautiful

1 year from now I'll look back on this post & smile.

I feel good. I feel awesome. I look forward to the future <3  

Rub my tummy for good luck <3


  1. 6 months from now I'll be in love??? You are loved by many of your loyal readers already Riley!!

  2. @diaperedsissy: Hear,Hear!
    @Riley: I just got caught up to date on your blog and am glad your back in your crinkles!

  3. I can not wait for 2 months and 6 months.
    Best wishes, Riley, and good luck.
    Very sincerely all the best. :-)
    I agree with diaperedsissy. You are loved.


  4. Thanks guise, knowing you folks are around really keeps me going if i ever feel lonely... I know I am capable of being loved, and that's taken most of my adult life to learn <3 Hugs everyone <3 I love the visitors of this little corner of the internet, thank you, and eventually i'll be showing some of that care as a mommy figure to a few choice submissives <3

  5. Hi how are you?

    I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not post a comment.

    I have blogs also obviously, and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.

    I mostly post about the California experience through the perspective of personal writings, and my art.

    Maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.

    Well I hope to hear from you soon… :)

    Jesse Noe Mendez

  6. Hi Riley,

    I wish you the fulfillment of your treams. You are a postive example of diaper little girls, always inspiring.

    Babygirl Kvetinka

  7. Hey there Riley you seem to know where you want to go.but don't wish your life away cause every day is precious I hope you achieve all your goals as time goes by but enjoy each day your a fab person and I wish I knew you better don't mind the negative people you meet there are so many of them in this world and nobody is perfect you just be safe and happy you should write a book about your life story I seen the interview you done on the tv it was on you tube you handled yourself very well best wishes I will post again if you don't mind,god bless.


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them