March 25, 2012

diaper thread

I woke up this morning as I have the last few, waking dozely in the dawns light, repositioning my tiny little body into a position in which I can comfortably wet my diaper... and I do, I feel the diaper swell, not worrying about leaks, just holding my bear and letting go. I snuggle back up and drift off to a dream...

After changing into a fresh diaper this morning, doing a little shower/start my day routine, I see the rainy day and decide to spend some time writing. Sitting down at my computer, I decided a review of the Tena's would be a good idea, a video even. I start to conceptualize, my hands are on my keyboard, but my fingers aren't moving, a new tab is open, i'm distracted. I do something silly, immature, something that is always a mistake, I move my mouse to the address bar and type "4" and press enter, sending me directly to 4chan.  

I guess sometimes I need immediate satisfaction, validation, I had wet my diapers in the process of cleaning up my apartment for the video, and I was feeling very cuddly, cute, in need of attention. I took a couple pics, the posters were rather nice, as opposed to the usual hate that flows out of that site. I don't post on the chans too often, 2008 was a big chan year for me, lots of trapping and diaper threads, a silly, silly thing to be a part of. People tend to post as me, it's weird to see someone use your pictures to seduce others, but there's weirder things on 4chan than that. I never made the video, but I will, i'm quite fond of these diapers though I do fall in love easily, with diapers at least.

Oooooh Lightning just struck outside... It's cold and rainy here in paradise, luckily I have plenty of diapers here to keep me company. And internet friends... and bears and puppies and bunnies and even a monkey :P I tend to keep good company. Thanks for reading my little faceplant with the creative process. 
More stuff sooon.

Moar <3


  1. sounded like a good morning, wish this could happen to me but meh, i need some time to get padded and such it be nice, hope to hear an email from you soon during my spring break x.x

  2. U r one lucky babygirl to have all those diapers.

  3. Yay for google Chrome! Just to let you know, R-enter leads me here :P

  4. That sounds like a great day :)

  5. I love love LOVE your pics, Riley. The first two are absolutely adorable. The very first picture, is the best. You are super cute.


  6. Super cute soggy bottom girl, love the set!
    Like the reflection in the microwave, arty!

  7. Gotta say, GREAT NAILS. They make the photos. Very feminine

  8. I have said it once, and I will say it again. Absolutely beautiful. Absolutely cute. Absolutely adorable.

    I do have one question though. What kind of diaper are you wearing in these pictures?



Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them