March 23, 2012

Crinkle Party!

Hello friends! I had a lovely time doing the Riley Kilo Crinkle&Cuddle Hour (Tentative title) this Friday. There were more people than ever and we played some little games, talked marshmallows and I showed off my diaper stash :P Thanks everyone for coming, let's do it again soon!


  1. Super krinkle-kast, l@@k forwards to the next

  2. Nice open chat last night. Thanks for sharing your Marshmallo tips. :) Since you shared that. Have you tried the Metamusil trick. When you put on a clean diaper, put a tablespoon of Metamusil (regular not the orange) down the front of your diaper. It may feel a little itchy for awhile, but wait until you have wet yourself. :) Enjoy walking around. DRPen

  3. *Whimpering* Why did I not know about this young lady! :P I was at the first one and really really liked it, and Im so mad I missed you last night... Whens your next show and how do I stay in the loop... I swear I never read anywhere that there was going to be another one, but Im known to miss obvious things... I liked the Monster Truck Riley post cuz I couldnt miss it... Oh well, Its good to hear you had fun!

  4. i wish i new about this as well x.x and why have you no contacted back yet x.x i sent ya something 8 days ago, hope to hang out soon or not, which ever

    also hope things are well and staying out of trouble young lady


  5. dang I forgot about it :(

  6. I will try the metamucil trick!

    Ruben, I've written you back, relaaaax.

    I'll be doing more cam chats soon!


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them