January 29, 2012

Partly Trained

I wet my pants :(

Thank you everyone that's been following my crinkly (or not so crinkly) little adventures since I came to LA... Here's a new video, I don't know how many more accidents I can take before I have to get back into diapers for good...


  1. Looks like Bear and Riley will be happier in diapers!

  2. Maybe you should be in pull-ups first before you wear big girl undies. Love to see a vid on pull-ups and potty chair :)

  3. Its ok to be a big girl in diapers

  4. I think lil Riley is absolutely adorable, but even more so in diapers. There is nothing wrong with wearing diapers, and it seems you need them. Take care, Riley.

  5. I tried wearing regular underwear to bed with a pair of plastic pants and that did'nt work so well so I think I will just stick to plain old diapers and plastic pants for day and night time use. Well Riley at least you tried. I can'nt hold it at all any more and so thats why I wear diapers so I'm not in that kind of situation that you where in. Good luck hang in there. From Josh J

  6. This all just looks so staged. I bet if you weren't filming yourself you wouldn't have had an "accident" or "locked the door" by "mistake".

    1. My word, Mr. Holmes! How in the world did you ever manage to come up with such a direct and detailed conclusion?

  7. Good luck for your referral letter! Just remain a babygirl and only become grown up for official purposes.


  8. can you make more videos where you change diapers please <3


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them