December 16, 2011


Are you excited about my little *free* webcam show tonight? 

LIVE from my nursery in upstate NY

There will be a storytime, showing off my newly stuffed bear, thoughts on munches, adventure, the new bambinos and more! 

I have no idea what to expect, will probably be a small, personal affair - stop on by and say hello <3

crinkles and cuddles and more stuff soon! 

(pics are of from Wednesday night after 15 hours, 3 states & 2 boroughs in a bambino) 


  1. Gosh diddly dag nabbit, I wish I knew in advance... I missed it... instead I played Gears of War 3...

  2. I missed it too. I have been following your blogs and videos for some time now. I have even left comments on here before.

    You are an inspiration to me and oh so very very adorable.

    I would love to meet you at some point, but I am in the wrong part of the country for that.

    So, I hope to settle on meeting you on webcam or in chat sometime.

    I missed you this time. :( But maybe I can catch you on next time.

    I wish you all the best luck and friends, Riley.

  3. Those pics of you in, what looks like soaked Bambinos, are very very cute. You are super adorable.

  4. thanks guise! new post and more cam stuff sooooon!

  5. Bambino Bellismos <3 I got a sample and LOVED them!


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