December 11, 2011


 I've been traveling, from NYC to Jersey down through multiple states to VA, then up to DC tomorrow, back to NYC, then to my comfy little nursery in upstate NY.  I think Baron Münchhausen would be proud.

I'm writing this quickly and with intent, I have an announcement! The NYC ageplay munch is happening! It will be on Tuesday, January 10th at the Dave and Busters near Times Square at 8:00pm. There will be a little tab appearing on this site as soon as I get to a real computer, you'll also be seeing posts on Fetlife and, more details soon.

That's exciting, this week is exciting, life is exciting! It will be cool to see my Mom in DC, it's been about a year since I've seen her, I'll get some cool footage of the capitol mall to share. Once I get back, I'll be having a live webcam chat Friday the 16th at 9:00PM EST. I'll be reading one of my favorite stories and you get to see my newly stuffed bear, I've heard word that he's out of the bear hospital and filled with all sorts of fluffiness. I look forward to sharing some cold weather snuzzles with my diapered friends, more details soon <3

Lots of stuff, a new NSFW Sadie interview is out, daytime TV appearance is still in post, I'm happy and healthy and throughly exhausted, just about to head out to another shoot here in the lonesome crowded east. Hugs and more stuff soon, pic below is Dave and Busters, should be fun and games and lots of crinkly friends <3


  1. Hello Riley,

    Baron Münchhausen´s cousin Gerlach Adolph was co- founder of the University of Göttingen, were I had SRS in 2006:


  2. was a great Interview thanks for the plugin!


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them