October 26, 2011

quick one while she's away

Hello friends! I thought I'd just take a brief moment to fill you in on some details as to my adventures! Sooooo here we go!

South Bronx - Life has been good here, filming and networking and helping out with various groundswell movements around the city. My roommate is fostering a child so I'm moving upstate mid-November to my nursery in Buffalo. I'm going to shed my grown up New York City façade for cuddles and crinkles, spend some time focusing on editing/writing/filming/webcamming. Look forward to lots of bedtime stories, diaper stuffs, sleep tests and live chats on this site <3
Thailand - My Thailand trip was put on hiatus for a number of reasons, focusing on getting my life/career settled here, the flooding makes me nervous, lots of reasons to stay in the States. I will make it there before I turn 30, just taking my time to do more research and form a serious plan.
Midwest - I'm considering a cross-country trip where I meet different folks in different states and kinda work my way across the country. from big city to big city on rails and buses, embrace my global network of diapered friends, get unique perspectives on our culture. Another option, and this is tentative, but I've always wanted to drive a Cadillac across the country and I just might be able to, though I don't plan on trashing this one like old Dean and Sal did theirs. 
L.A. - I'm going to be moving to the Southland in January before NY state turns into an icy tundra. I have tentative plans on how this is going to happen, ideas are appreciated. I've recently shot for a couple mainstream T-girl porn sites and there's lots of work for me in LosAngeles. There I would be able to set-up my own site and get some consistent revenue for my next bit of travels. I plan to stay until March, maybe longer. My NYC pace is going to be like a knife through hot butter in LA (thanks for the allegory WetSnuggles) and I'm planning on getting lots done there, while maintaining my strong sense of self. I want to take my Mom to Cancun sometime next year, start electrolysis, save up for SRS etc, I'm going to need to racks for that. 
Wall St. - I've been spending some of my free-time at Zuccotti park documenting and observing (and on rare occasions, participating in) the Occupation going on there. I feel this is something really important going on right now, the emotion, dedication and tension are amazing to capture. I'm going down there today for a teach-in with the SRLP to speak on gender and inclusiveness within the movement... in the words of Boots Riley -  "If I ain't involved I feel I ain't breathing, If I can't change the world I ain't leaving."
NYC and beyond - These past 6 months have been enlightening, daunting, risky and worthwhile. I feel I have a better grasp on who I am and where I'm going, with media, art and activism. I've met lifelong friends, shared great moments, taken opportunities and embraced new ideas, I feel wherever I go from here I can apply much of what I've learned here. Working with Slutwalk was amazing, seeing the difference between how sex workers are treated here as opposed to CA and the ramifications of that. I was inside Stonewall, the folk-home of the gay rights movement when the gay marriage bill passed, I was at ground zero ten years after, I was at the first day of what is becoming the most significant activist movement since the protests against the Vietnam war. This place is danger and magic, and I look forward to living here again soon.
I'm going to be floating around the coast for a bit before heading upstate and commuting between the coast/Buffalo. Legit Toronto/NYC/Philly/Boston folks should get a hold of me before the end of the year. Thoughts are welcome from L.A. folks (N/S. Hollywood is my destination) and I'll be heading back to SF as well, I miss the bay and my love goes out to the people on the streets of Oakland right now. 


  1. thank you for sharing your life stories with us

  2. Yes ditto to what Shannon said. You rock. I was fortunate enough to go to Thailand for my surgery, and was captivated. What an incredible land, what incredible people. You will love it, and, well, you will just belong there, a special blossom in a beautiful garden......


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them