July 24, 2011

I represent me!

Here's a quick little video talking about life, diapers, TV, everything!

If you're here from My Strange Addiction, check this out <3

If you're completely lost, check out http://understanding.infantilism.org/


  1. Riley is amazing, inspirational, cute, quirky, and all around awesome.

  2. Awesome, as always. Thanks. :-)

    Very well spoken.

  3. Wow I am watching ur show on strange addictions I never knew u where from buffalo

  4. You are a hero to all Adult Babies! Congratulations!

  5. woh woh woh tower records like in tower district fresno?

  6. You are wicked brave and I admire you.

  7. WOW! Just watched your show and you were fantastic. I think you are the best Adult Baby and I thank you for sharing your life with us.

    You are getting so much stronger and confident as a beautiful girl with every video. I think adding you are also and adult baby girl makes you the greatest. Hope to see more of you in the future.

    My very best to you.

  8. You did a great Job Riley, But you implied you didn't have many friends that knew you wear diapers. Duh, there a hundreds of us. We love youn Riley.

  9. Saw the show , Well done u did good baby gurl

  10. See? Told ya! AWESOME!

  11. Saw half of the show - you did a great job. My parents came in and watch it too. They said such people are sick and just freaks. The made a lot of jokes about you...
    They don´t know that I´m kind of an Adult Baby too....

  12. So I'm watching the show right now, and I got it into my head to google you - lo and behold, here you are!

    I just wanted to let you know that I think you're brilliant. I'm not an adult baby, but I know people who are, and it's nice to see something so often kept to the shadows brought so eloquently into the light. It must have been terrifying to come out to the entire nation, and I think you've done a wonderful job of it.

    Also, you're very pretty and I want your big poofy skirt.

  13. We don't have TLC so I haven't seen the full episode yet. That said, I just wanted to let you know that we think you're wonderful and you will no doubt help lots of folks with this show no matter how it turns out! Thank you for being your brave, proud self.

    Looking forward to chatting with you on the Big Little Podcast tonight for our Age Play and Transgender show!

    spacey - Adopted by Lady Mae

  14. I swear I hope that therapist was "hand picked" I have met a therapist and it was nothing like that when he found out my diapers. (long story dont ask) He didn't understand it but didn't badmouth it either.

  15. dear Riley Kilo-- I can't help but be cynical towards your blog and posts in general. first of all, please do yourself a favor and don't post things about wetting yourself and likening yourself to someone with bladder problems when you clearly enjoy wetting yourself. Many people struggle with real bladder/urinary tract problems and still have pride and dignity--it is not a turn on to wear a diaper! anyone who posts pics of themselves in a diaper obviously enjoys this someone with real bladder control issues does not find this sexy or cute or cool!

  16. Dear Anonymous-- I can't help but be cynical towards your comment. First of all, please don't tell other people what to enjoy or not just because you don't appreciate it yourself. I'm sorry that you are in an unfortunate medical situation but that doesn't mean the rest of us (who don't know you or have any contact with you) have to behave in a certain way so as not to offend you. This is a free world (mostly) so if you don't like what ABs do, the best course of action is to avoid AB websites (and TV shows :P).

    Riley, you did a great job. You're only representing yourself, yes, but I think you also did a better job of representing the wider "us" than anybody has before. You came across strong and confident and didn't give them the opportunity to twist your words into a negative. Most people who watched won't understand but this morning, somebody somewhere is probably realising they're not alone and that wearing diapers for fun isn't bad or something to be ashamed of because of your show - you did the community a great service :)

  17. You should keep this video at the top of your page for awhile. People are going to trickle in and not come all at once.

    Good job Riley!

  18. That was a great little video Riley, I can't wait to see the full episode...it's on my DVR!

  19. Simply inspiring, I have trouble accepting the fact that I'm a diaper lover but seeing you talk about it on the show was amazing. You only get to live life once and I truly believe people should be able to do whatever makes them happy despite the view of the general population.

  20. I watch'd your show last night...I did have fear it would show unkind light to that of the "little" community. I was very mistaken. You did a beautiful job deplicting why, and how you handle being an AB in today socitey.

  21. Great job Riley, finally somebody represented our community in a good way. My ex told me to check out the show and that I might like the episode comin up so I did and as soon as I saw you were gonna be on it I knew you were gonna do a great job. Thank you for being so brave and trying to help people understand who we are and what we're about.

  22. I didn't see the tv program, but I came here after reading an article about it on Jezebel. I don't know anything about adult babies, except what I've read here on your site. (as I said in another comment about disposing of things in restrooms!)

    I just thought I'd post a comment to say that you seem like a lovely woman. I appreciate that you're so confident with who you are, even if one aspect (speaking of the adult baby lifestyle) is different. You put yourself out there and just say "this is me!" I wish I had that ability, actually! I really admire you and I wish you all the best.

  23. wow youe guise are total dicks!!! RIGHT ON RILEY WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. As has been said before, if you don't like what shes doing leave. If you are as perverse as to think this is an "illness" maybe you are the one who needs your head checked. She doesn't need "help", she's doing plenty fine on her own.

    Riley, great job on the show! I know you won't listen to the nay-sayers because you're just such a strong girl and an inspiration to the rest of us. Hope the rest of life treats you with the kindness you so deserve!

  25. I believe it's just one person spewing uninformed hate across several posts. We love Riley and always will.

  26. Dear Riley, I have been a big fan of you since 4 years. I just watched you on Strange Addiction, and I'm Mormon and I think what you are doing is right. I respect as the person that you are, cause you are awesome. I thank you so much for helping me accept my DL lifestyle. Keep doing what you want with no regrets.

  27. I miss a proper record store, I tried to be a cute bookshop person but bookshops only seem to take snooty types.

  28. Nice job Riley, you were well spoken and the show felt like it was done with integrity.


  29. "Anonymous said...
    dear Riley Kilo-- I can't help but be cynical towards your blog and posts in general. first of all, please do yourself a favor and don't post things about wetting yourself and likening yourself to someone with bladder problems when you clearly enjoy wetting yourself. Many people struggle with real bladder/urinary tract problems and still have pride and dignity--it is not a turn on to wear a diaper! anyone who posts pics of themselves in a diaper obviously enjoys this someone with real bladder control issues does not find this sexy or cute or cool!"
    i cant believe you... if i didnt go to the bathroom RIGHT before bed id still be a bedwetter, i leak every time i sneeze! and i have some of the worst bladder control in the world! yet i pine for a diaper!i have since i was VERY young(4 or 5). take a page from riley and SPEAK FOR YOURSELF! don't lump yourself with me you hater or anyone like me, we are who we are and you cant change any of us! especially someone strong enough to come out like riley did. if i could get diapers id ware them all the time. so shut your haten self and keep us out of your mouth!

  30. You are extremely well spoken, and I adore you. Great things happen to great people, and I am sure there is something great in store for you. The world needs more people like you who are proud and enjoy being themselves.

  31. You are awesome! It's so brave of you to come out and talk about something so personal. While I myself can't relate to AB/DL or trans lifestyle, I think everyone has something in their lives that may be different or difficult, and instead of everyone being ashamed and consumed with their own judgements about themselves, we should all be more like you and be open and honest! Thanks for being an inspiration!


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them