July 30, 2011

expose myself

Hello Internet! It's been quite a week (month, year..) and I'm writing to fill you in on some of the intimate details. But first...


I've received so much love and emotional support from friends in the community, I can't express how much it means to me. I feel accepted, and the positive feedback has been overwhelming.

My show came out, it was a minor success and though I can't speak on it in detail, I can clarify a thing or two.

1.) Being trans doesn't mean you're ABDL, Being ABDL doesn't mean you're trans.

2.) This has nothing to do with real children

3.) I am not "addicted" to this in the general sense of the term. It's a lifestyle for me, a hobby, a fetish, and a love. It makes me happy!

4.) I still have a good relationship with my friends and I only have positive things to say about them.

5.) Not everything on TV is as it seems, the more it touts itself as reality, the more deceptive it is. A good editor can make you believe almost anything.

6.) I am still learning constantly, Riley Kilo, this blog and ABDL in general are means to express things that I otherwise couldn't on my own.

7.) The weight of experience, memory is sometimes very heavy, and a person can improve themselves by alleviating that weight, if only once in a while. To quote lifestyle little Candi McBride, "Regression is my anti-drug"

7.) I still make mistakes, I still have bouts of depression, I'm still going through trying times in this journey to find myself and to accomplish these things I've set out to do, network, find a career, be creative, learn, experience, help others, love and be loved.

8.) I'm going to be around for a long time, we're going to look back on this and laugh.

I've spoken to a few media outlets and will likely speak to more, at first the feedback was pretty negative based off of the commercials, but the bloggers that saw the whole episode and have experience with subculture/media (exploitative or otherwise) have had a more balanced perspective. I applaud the folks who have helped build awareness towards themselves and the community by commenting in a concise, educated manner on the various places to do so online. There's a fine line between feeding trolls and speaking your mind, and there's some very well written perspectives out there to thin out the threats of violence and internet bickering.

From now on you'll probably see much more of me and my diapered friends, I just bought a new laptop to replace my dearly departed desktop. I'm still making "naughty videos", you can contact me in regards to that, "private videos" is a good subject line. I'm looking for transgirls, pornographers and producers in NYC that want to get involved in my adult career, I shoot/edit HDV and need studio space and like-minded people to work with. I'm in model condition, and am getting a site together with a well-known studio, use the contact form on the top of the page to get a hold of me.

With that said, my only interest isn't in talking to pornographers, contact me if you're curious about my lifestyle, curious about feelings you're having about trans or ABDL within yourself, or anything in those regards. I try to get back to everyone who's written me something considerate (I prefer direct questions and concise emails, please consider how many I get) and I always answer diapered transgirls first <3 I'll be doing more webcasts in the near future, so keep any eye out on those! Sorry teen babies, I don't answer emails from anyone under 18, you shouldn't even be reading this right now! (respect to teens expressing themselves)

I'll leave you with this collection of clips from The Soup featuring me. This makes me one step closer to Greg Kinnear, my dream daddy. Someday this little girl will give her heart to a prince who loves crinkly bottoms and everything else that makes me who I am, but for now i'm happy doing my thing, single doesn't mean lonely. I'll be answering letters, posting some new videos and keeping busy in my daily life. Ignore the trolls and thanks for the backup, your little star, Riley Kilo <3


  1. I think you're perfect the way you are.

  2. Inspiring and awesome as always

  3. those people from the soup, especially that host is a real douchebag, dont let them get to you riley.
    he's just compencating for having an m&m for a lower part :s

    i couldnt watch your show in Belgium, but ive seen it on YT, i think you did great, people really seen the real riley, and to everyone who gave you negative comments on that, f*ck off and get an open mind will ya, it aint medival times anymore.

    if diapers make you happy, than that OK with me, its your life and you can live the way you want to.

    stay happy girl :)
    -greetings from Belgium.

  4. Some say that acting young helps you stay young.

    I hope that you do indeed stay around for a long time. I find you very interesting and intelligent and I want people like that around during my own, hopefully, never ending life.

  5. I do love the Soup but fret not, I love you too Riley :)

  6. Hi there princess;) i look on the show and you are a really beutiful girl, i have diaper to and i liked:) and i like your site. You are a strong girl in the show lots of hugs

    From Andreas

  7. I always marvel at your video very well but I wear them not like you ever. great rooms and very nice dresses.
    everything good

  8. I've been watching your videos for about two years or more. I think you have come quite a bit. Personally I've enjoyed diapers since I was 5. I was in my late 20's when I started wearing them around the house. I also identify as transsexual. I love wearing girly things. I've kinda come out of the "transvestite" closet. I even got my ears pierced. I've wanted to be a girl even since I was about 14-15 (almost half my life). I have never told anyone, and it makes be depressed sometimes.
    I applaud you for standing up and and standing your ground. I don't think you need to change. What you are doing is not life threatening, you have a job, your a responsible person, er little girl. I think it was a bit harsh that they brought up the fact that you haven't had any long term relationship. I mean "normal" people have the same problem. I think you will find someone, someday. Just keep your head up!

    Thank you so much!!!
    Katie-Ann Elizabeth

    I think it was really cool that you got mentioned on The Soup. Just remember that it's there job to poke fun at things on TV.

  9. I am so proud of you Riley.
    Just watched that episode, and although they tried to spin some of your comments on the show, they can't deny the true & honest nature of you.

    Your diaper collection is nice, your heart is beautiful and your courage is freakingly amazing :-)

    Love you,
    Woofy (also from Belgium)

  10. Hi Riley,

    You are just fantastic!!!!

    The guys on the soup and others are just fools. You have the courage to show yourself out into the public and allow every one to watch. You have never said this was the only way to live. You have made it very clear you speak for yourself only. I fell in love with you the first time I chated on line with you. You are truly honest and have so much guts to allow us to share your life with us.

    Please please ignor these fools and jerks. It's easy to point fingers and make jokes. We love you and you are so very special to me and others. Watching as you develop into a very special girl. You have come so far and I am so very so proud of you.

    I and many of your friends on here support you and stand beside you all the time, lean on us and let us show you our love and we care for you greatly.

    Big Daddy Hugs

  11. Congratulations Riley!!!

    I watched MSA intently. I applaud you for letting yourself be the subject of that feature. No doubt there are ppl that don't get it, I understand your plight because I have such deep feelings about my masculinity and femininity. I suppress my girl side feelings cuz I don't have the guts you have. I always was a diaper wearer from my pre-teen years hence there are many of us out there. I went through so many guilt trips over it all. I am fine with myself now even though I live a a vanilla macho man, LOL :) You coming out to expose you and your feelings makes ppl think and gives us that doesn't have the courage to do it a voice and/or comfort knowing there are others. I am glad you have a support network in your life.

    I have that episode saved onto my DVR and viewed it numerous times and will again.

    Stay strong little lady :)


  12. I wonder why people think you are hero or something like that.
    What is so great about showing who you are?

    You said you represent yourself, and that's great, cuz' we are all different, but what about the others? what's wrong with showing and saying who you are? what are you afraid of? people? "people are just people like you"

    And by the way, I am not saying is your case Riley, but I know people with the same, let say, characterist that you have, and I accept them and love them as they are, but do they accept me or others like they are? Sometimes I think they don't.

  13. merci pour avoir participé à cette vidéo
    un grand bravos !!

    disco!! du site ABKingdom.com


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them