May 8, 2011


Where I come from, thousands of something is consider "racks". It's a central valley/bay area colloquialism, one of my favorite things about traveling is the versatility of the English language, ABDL sounds like gibberish when you say it out loud. Slang is a huge part of our culuture, a way to prove that you're ferreal if you're in a neighborhood that doesn't cotton to outsiders. This post isn't about language or bad neighborhoods, it's about me getting racks of pageviews.

As many of you know, before this site became, I was located at That site is pretty much a graveyard, my next big project is going through and cleaning it up, putting stuff back up where it needs to be. My writing style has improved over the years and I'm frankly embarrassed by some of the posts, but at the same time I don't want to omit too much of my honest feelings from back then, regardless of how poorly written they are. If you're going to read my archives, maybe wait a couple weeks first :P I know people online (people I don't email often enough) that have been following me from the beginning, I had a prescence online before I manifested as a clearly defined entity in October 19th 2006, intent on sharing the life of Riley with the entire world :)

That's a little background, and I'm excited about the future. I recently noticed i'm well past 500,000 pageviews since Bloggers migration to Google in June of 2010. I haven't an accurate count for my hits prior to that point, but the more people I meet the more I realize how much my videos have gotten around. I'm excited about making new, awesome, HD stuff, I've been steadily getting more hits recently and this TV show is going to be awessssome. I'm finally getting comfortable with voice recognition so I'm less limited by my wrist dexterity... I still have a ton to edit, emails to answer, lots of figuring out how to successfully produce web content... I'm putting my contact form back up, webmasters please apply, content management/hosting/advice - I have a couple domains to fill up :) 

Thanks for everyone who's been following me over the years, who've donated, who've sent kind messages, comments, advice and thoughts. Thanks, I've come a long way and this blog has really helped me stay focused.


It turns out i'm international <3  check out these blogs 3 they've given me shout outs in the last couple weeks - I use Chrome to read foreign sites, the translations are rough at best.

from France comes "New Innocence", the life of a 25 year-old diapered person, translates well, a good read!

from Germany we have a "Diaper Capitol", I was featured in a list of diapered bloggers

 and from my latest fascination, Toronto, the cute and current confessions of a dumpling, fur/diaper content, well written.

Thanks again for everything, it only gets more interesting from here! More stuff soon <3


  1. Thank you for mentioning my blog on your site. Your blog/site is very intresting. I like to read you.

    I think you have a good point of view because you deal with the reality of the world. And it's not always the case. You enjoy what you do, and we can read it.

    Thank you again for the video, the link and your interest for my blog.

    Take care. ^^

  2. ...hey Riley you do a great job keeping things lively and write honestly about yourself and societal acceptance or lack thereof. You keep me (and probably all your followers) looking at your subject matter intently due to your perceptive identification of were you are at personally speaking and to where the world is often times. You are not a “gloom & doomer” thus you usually keep a real person type spin about whatever you are writing about. I say that is a positive in the sense you are honest. I am amazed by you with the amount of passion you demonstrate to the topics you write about. You are brave and you are generous to share so much with us. I sit here in anticipation of your future posts and wish you all the best in every facet of your life :)


  3. Thanks for the shout out ^-^

    It'll be hard to say what hasn't already been said by the other commenters o.o Your perspective and experiences have broadened my mind, plus it's always been fun to follow! :D Keep on doing what you're doing!



Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them