September 2, 2010

my big backyard

Remember "Your Big Backyard" Magazines? 
those and Zoobooks were awwwweeeesoooome

Big empty rooms have been a consistant theme in the last 2 days. 4 friends of mine are leaving sacramemto the same time I am, all for different places,. Hawaii, Davis, Vegas, Montreal. I'm spending the majority of my day helping my friend move to Davis, it's a big ragtag bunch of great friends with a little baby girl on the way. These people I will miss and will miss me, my extended family, we have been holding down the streets in Sacramento for a long time, and now we've left it to the next generation. There is something to be said about the bonds you form at a younger age, especially highschool, most splinter off as we mature and become individuals, but sometimes they can last until we're old and grey and playing pokemon cards in assisted living. So on my grandiose adventure to the wild great yonder I basically haven't left my backyard yet... taking it slow, I guess for now I'm just a wandering good Samaritan :P

I'm probably going to leave my studio here for now (yeah i call my computer my "Digital Studio", I'd like to think I do more production than computing) I'll be posting up in this corner of the world for the evening, things kinda accelerated and didn't really get a chance to do a goodbye video in the old apartment, but I have a strong feeling that I will find myself back there in the future... I left most of my furniture there, it'll be nice to think that i can go back and sleep in my own bed again. That bed was pretty fail anyway, think about how many posts after I got back from Boston about this time 2 years ago have involved me wetting my bed and some sort of leaky diaper or no diaper situation has been the case.It's still a big, kinda comfy, clean mattress, but I would be embarrassed to see it without sheets.. hopefully wherever I move next I'll have a crib or someone to bed with... aww geez I sound all kinds of desperate.

If I don't get crushed by a refridgerator today then I will have to mark September 2nd down as a success. I'm going to do a bit of planning and alotof lifting today, so I'll probably catch you a bit later, theres no internet at their new placce so I'm kinda playing it by ear, but I will likely be posting whenever I get a chance too... everyones still sleeping and I'm the little mouse tapping away at the keyboard. Oh and speaking of beds, I can't believe this TV I'm blogging on right now, I could literally lay it down, put my sheets on it and take a digital siesta, all while Life HD is playing below me. Maybe thats what I'll do next, make an LCD bed... well, nevermind, I gues thats just not possible without risk of severe bedwetting shock :P

trying to soak up the last of this summers fresh air and sunlight. 
California coast, beaches and bridges, i'll be seeing you soon. 

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