October 13, 2013

Are these OK Daddy? pt. 3

Daddy laughed... "Riley, how did you manage to get your socks out of sorts before we've even left?" He reached down and pulled the droopy sock up all the way to her knees... "There, all better, we'll be a good girl today won't we?". Riley nodded, this outfit made her feel really little and Daddy knew she'd be needing his help with simple things. He made sure her MaryJanes were buckled and held her hand as they went out to the car.

Riley doesn't like car rides at all, she spends most of the time sucking her thumb and trying not to pay attention. Daddy is proud that his precious little cargo allows herself to be afraid, of cars, of being hurt or hurting others. Before she started being little she never showed her soft underbelly, she always had an emotional shell around her, like a turtle with abandonment issues. Daddy knew it wasn't good for her emotions to hide like that, they don't go away, they just turn into sadness. Daddy scratched behind her ear to reassure her, and she made a little happy squeak and went on playing with her phone.

She wished the car had a cute lilac or pink carseat with lots of straps on it, but is a little too embarrassed to mention it to anyone. They arrived at the mall, Daddy always made sure to open her door, not entirely out of chivalry but because her nappies would always show until she arranged herself. "Poor girl" he'd tease, as she fumbled with her dress, pulling it down to cover her secret.

Riley bounced up and down on her bottom with a goofy smile as she ate her burrito, Daddy made sure she finished her veggies before they left. Before buying their tickets to the movie Daddy asked if she needed a change, she nodded, looking at her feet. He asked if she could handle it herself, or if they needed to goto the car. She didn't like backseat changes and almost always changed herself while out, Daddy allowed her that one potty privilege. She smiled and assured him she was a "Big girl" and could change her own diapers. He got Popcorn, Riley found a safe place to change, all was well.  

The lights went out, the universe was saved, the lights came on. As the theater emptied they gathered their trash and walked out hand in hand. Just as they were leaving Riley couldn't help but pull up her dress and show Daddy that she didn't have any leaks during the long movie. She asked "Are these ok Daddy?" as he quickly hushes her. His arm finds it way around her shoulders, bringing Riley close to him to keep her out of trouble. He kisses her forehead, breathing the sweet smell of her fruity shampoo mix with the popcorn smell of the empty theater. "Let's get you home and changed" he said, and her dress stayed down all the way home.

Upon getting back to their nursery, Daddy realized why Riley was so proud of not leaking. She was absolutely soaked. He knew he should have put her in something thicker, but it was a hot day and they brought 2 Attends just in case... he thinks for movies she'll be in cloth or an Abenas for now on. She always wants to wear the small diapers, but Daddy prefers to keep her in mediums as she's such a heavy wetter. Daddy looked down at his wet little girlfriend, shook his head in mock disappointment, "Poor girl..."

Riley giggled, she knew Daddy had come to like diaper changes too. She was a soggy girl, but didn't want to be changed just yet. She wanted to be held, to have daddies arms around her, to sit on his lap, to sneak little kisses, to make love with him. She knew all these things would come, but she wanted them now. Softly squeezing his bicep, coming closer, her breathing increased, she wants to be close to Daddy, as close as she can get...

"Diapers first" he says.

She pouts, but only for a moment. Riley knows Daddy will play with her later, she kinda likes being told no. She gets out of her wet diapers, and stands in front of her Daddy with her plastic pants at her ankles, tired and disheveled from a afternoon out in the big scary world. Just the two of them and a wet nappy, a daddy and a little girl coming together to make each other feel safe and more importantly, alive. She's so happy to have a Daddy, and he's so happy to have a little girl, accidents and all. They both know it this moment, see it in each others eyes, they're locked in a wonderful silence, the kind only lovers can share.

The final tape comes off, Riley shows Daddy her very wet diaper, looks up with her shy blue eyes and whispers "Are these ok Daddy?"

That's my story, thanks for reading. If you want to see all of the photos at once, you can visit my Imgur. Big hugs, I hope you liked it, I very much enjoyed writing this fantasy and to a certain extent, living it. I'm still single, I have lovers, friends, but no true Daddy, I'm not "collared" so to speak. I'm sure i'll find the right person someday, until then I have daddy/babygirl stories :)

Audio Version!

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