June 19, 2013

of trying

In the last 2 weeks, nearly every morning i've sat down in front of my computer, put my fingers on the home keys and stared silently at an empty page. Should I talk about my everyday life, or should I write about how nice it is to be sitting in a wet nappy? Will it be a little sad story about being a lonely baby girl, or maybe something giggly about SheZow or analytical like a link to The Big Little Podcast? I have a bunch of older ideas that never really came to fruition that I'd love to do, but haven't really had the time or headspace for them ~~~ I am feeling really positive and cuddly though, clear headed and back in my nappies :)

I'm going to shave my pubic hair today! That's something to write about! My apartment is really clean, I thought I was moving out in August but i'll be staying longer, had a few attractive job propositions, starting to get in to the LA vibe after all. How awesome would it be if I saved up for insurance and got SRS by the end of next year? It's actually starting to sound like a possibility, which makes me really happy and bounce up and down all happy :P When I bounce little poofs of powder come out of the sides of my nappies, and my wetness becomes even more apparent.

Okays internet, I'm going to start my fabulous wednesday off right with a granola bar and a big glass of water :) Thanks for reading and more stuffs soon, i'm off to change :P 


  1. Gah, you look super cute here, I'd cuddle you even if you are wet :P

    It is good to hear you're getting close to your goal of SRS, keep it up :D

  2. From Germany with love DJune 19, 2013 at 2:21 PM

    OMG, soooo cuuuttteee!...

  3. Hey Riley Kilo no matter what you put just remember its all about you, so good luck baby girl. oh yeah and first to comment

  4. I would love to hear about both your happy thoughts, and your not so happy thoughts. Your ups AND your downs. Basically, how you feel about everything.

    Karen Singer

  5. Grrrr... Why aren't we friends Riley? Although I would admit you did a great post regardless, I am an Idea man. I can pull ideas out of anything. =P


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them