June 5, 2013

cookie jar

 I like it when someone holds my hand.

It's reassuring, a sign of attention and care between two people. My hands are little and soft and fit really well into the hands of a daddy. 

I wanted to build a big metaphor about hand holding and taking charge of my life, but i'd rather just tell you that your little Riley had a great week :) Things are going in the right direction, rolling uphill like some mystery spot madness. I've been shy to enact positive change, but I managed to pull myself up and start make some good decisions that will lead to. I want to just hug and snuggle and thank those who've held my hands in the tougher times. I am optimistic! 

Cuddly sunshine is what i'm dishing up here in the Kilo Kitchen. I wanted to share some cute cute pictures of a Hello Kitty onesie I found in the clearance aisle at Target. It came with cute little shorts... these pics are of one of the larges, but I found an X-Large one as well :) 

Hugs everyone! I have a neat new toy on the way as well, and some other new pics to share :P
Hope your summer is starting out right! Mew mew and more stuff soon!


  1. Hey Riley, looking super cute in the photos. Question though, was the onesie in kid sizes or adult? I would love to get that lucky and find one myself, too cute to pass up

  2. it was in kids sizes, so the X-Large fits me just right, and the Large is a little tight. I'm 5'7'' and they are kinda stretchy, but cotton so i expect them to shrink over time :/ They are super cutes tho!

    1. are u going to try the cuddlz adult baby diaper?they have only"two tape tabs and u can buy just two off ebay to see if u like them".have u every try wearing pampers criuser size seven?

  3. Could you find that onesie on their website?

  4. I'm glad to see things are moving in a positive direction for you Riley!

    That onesie is awesome, and considering my size (5'5, 100lb), it'd fit me too :) Hopefully you do find someone nice to snuggle with :)

  5. I luv the pics Riley! U need to do another wetting/messing video! THANX, keep up the great work XD

  6. Love the new look to the blog. Thanks for sharing the pics. Kinda strange that they make XL kid sized onesies. But great find!

  7. Here it is: http://www.target.com/p/hello-kitty-girls-shirt-set-multicolor/-/A-14375723#?lnk=sc_qi_detailbutton

    Sorry to spoil your monopoly on cuteness Riley ;p

    yahknow what's weird, I did a search and looked through all results of "Hello Kitty" on Target's site, didn't come up. Then I'm just browsing and there it is, under the Dresses category, no less. WTF?

  8. This is awesome. Tried to find this on their website, in hopes of being able to ship it to Norway, but no luck. I've followed your various blogs for a while and I must say i feel very much like you do Riley, and you are in several aspects for me a guiding star. I've always felt little, and also found that something that I missed, being able to dress as a girl. Please keep it up, I always light up when I see youve posted something new :)

  9. This is probably the most adorable photoset I've seen you post. I love it! :D Keep it up, Riley. I'm rooting for you!

  10. Are you single? :)

  11. Do u have a abu sissy diapers I wanted to see what u thought about them before I bought some

  12. Man always look after-hours and I wish you all the best.


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