April 3, 2013

blue tights

Hello friends! 
That sure was a heavy post, wasn't it? 
How's a couple pictures for a change of pace?

I honestly don't remember what diapers these were, some sort of Tena :) 
All that matters is I was all wet and cuddly :P 

Hugs! Higher resolution photos soon, I just happen to be crinkly and wanted to share!

More stuffs sooooon!


  1. Absolutely adorable. I say it often, it doesn't mean it isn't true. You are super cute. Love love LOVE the pics.


  2. It's funny to read your last post and think back to the first time I encountered your website a long time ago. I recall seeing your pretty face and was surprised to find a girl with the same enjoyment and pleasure in wearing diapers as I. I saw lots of guys, but girls were rare. And you had such a pretty face too. Then I saw one of your videos and sorta fell for you. I have always seen you as a beautiful young lady, even after I discovered your "secret." However, I stopped reading your blogs as they seemed to be taking a dark turn.

    A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about you. Even better, I remembered it. You were wearing your little girl's pullups and we were sharing a bed. I distinctly remember touching the front of your pullups and hearing the crinkle sound I'm sure you know so well. But the surprising part of this dream were the sounds of pure contentment you made when I touched the front of your pullups. Unfortunately, I woke up. The dream was very erotic even though it wasn't even R rated.

    I started reading your blog again and I have updated myself. I see you are still working on your transition - and I want you to be happy. Perhaps one day we'll meet.

    Last week I was driving the highway out of Reno into Northern California. When you were in Sacramento I used to fantasize about meeting you. I sometimes wonder what I would be wearing under my street clothes if actually met. I really like the Baby-Pants My-First-Trainers. I love their thickness. Perhaps I will be wearing them. Sometimes I wear the Tigers Training Briefs. I like them too simply because at first glance they look like regular underpants. But I can feel the difference.

    Stay cheerful - think about your goals - work towards those goals.


  3. Reilly, I just wanted to say that you're the one that got me into AB/DL infintilism, and I haven't been able to get out of it since. So for that, I thank you very much.. And while I'm here, I have to tell you that you're beautiful. So.. you're beautiful lol. I loves you!!!


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them