March 21, 2013

spring is for clotheslines

Hello friends! This is one of many photos I've taken recently of me in cloth diapers! How cute!

I also started up my Clips4Sale, though I need to do more to it to make it prettier and put up better videos. It's been a long time coming and now is good for me to really start making a ton of naughty videos and play on cam! If you have access to my private site, I put up a new video of me in a corset and peppermint dress, being playful. Pretty much all the videos from my private site are on Clips4Sale, except the really messy ones because I don't think it's allowed. I'll still be providing both, and you can even check out my camsite on Ifriends :)

Pardon the shameless self-promotion, I just need to really be a good girl and make a bunch of videos so I can make it to Chicago to give my presentations and meet a bunch of my east coast friends again! So look forward to lots of crinkle pics with my new photo-setup. I'm excited!

Hugs everyone! Talk sooooon!


  1. Hi Riley! I'm so happy I stumbled upon this blob. It's really awesome. I'm an AB/DL living in Brooklyn. Just moved here actually. I think I saw in a video that you might live in NYC as well. I've been looking around a lot to try to break into the community here but so far I haven't seen how. Do you know of any diaper parties or events that might be happening. I would love to meet some folks and be able to openly explore this side of myself for the first time in my life. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much!

  2. Riley, Love that you are trying cloth diapers. There is nothing cuter than a big baby in cloth diapers with cute diaper pins. And of course nice thick plastic panties. Love Ya

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love your Videos Riley, as a daddy to young sissy, its nice to see a 'little' having fun herself, and I think any daddy would love a girl like you.

  5. Very cute, lil Riley. I love the pic.


  6. we did you get the cotton diapers from

  7. Hi Riley:

    Told ya, didn't I? =) I don't know if you remember, but I wrote you last year about how great cloth diapers were. Glad to see you took my advice and decided to get some.

    Personally, though, I'd go the "old-fashioned" route and use pins. Amazon has a great deal on oversized ones for adults. The pullup you have there is good if you're wearing a dress or skirt, but devilishly difficult to change if you're wearing jeans or any other pants. If pins make you skittish, snaps might be the way to go (Velcro wears out too fast.)

    Are you finding them difficult to wash? If so, at least you're lucky enough to live in a city that has a diaper service.

    And oh, yes--what Herbie said. Where did you get those? They look wonderfully absorbent.


  8. I received these cotton diapers from a friend, I don't know where they originally came from :(

    I love the pins, the ones in the pic have pins in them even tho they are velcro <3

    I have a washer/dryer at my place so I can wash them on my own :P they are a bit stained tho...

  9. Riley,

    Velcro? Really? I had no idea. The way you were positioned, it looked like you were wearing the pull-on kind.

    You're luckier than I am. I'm stuck using a coin-operated machine, and there's no service where I live....=(

    I don't know what dtergent you wash yours with, but I've found that Dreft works well. Not only that, it gives the diapers a very babyish scent. =)


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