March 6, 2012


Hey there! I'm posting a little video from a coffee shop right outside the Museum of Modern Art here in San Francisco! I'm listening to this, excited to be coming back to the place I love so much :)

Visit this link to get to the video.

Couple funny little things, I have a new video for you, just a hello and a little crinkly talk, I'll be posting something else during my adventure, this IPad really makes the mobile blogging a breeze. I fit right in, the Games Developer Conference is going on at the Metreon, which is right across from the SfMoMa. It's free admission day here which makes it even cooler, love the energy, the Half-Life 3 T-Shirts, the cool looking people! I miss the Bay!

The second thing is life/ego affirming too, I had to share it :) I went to a little coffee shop on Market this morning, had a green tea & uploaded this video. Before I left I went to use the restroom even though I had my crinkles on I was kinda messy and had honey on my hands... Local honey is good for allergies and I've been hurting with all this travel. I was waiting for a while to use the cafe's gender-neutral bathroom, the only one in the place, and this young woman who moments ago was cutting bagels for guests, came up and said, "Haven't I seen you on TV recently?" I responded with a friendly "yeah, on TLC maybe?", she said she had just watched the episode on her DVR, and made sure to let me know "that's Awesome!" We talked for a second about NY and LA, she was really sweet, I could tell she was pretty cool with what she saw on the show. It made me smile, it was nice to get accepted like that, a reminder of the good people out there. Little side note, kinda makes me laugh, I was waiting for the restroom, she asked if I had knocked, there was someone in there and I ended up waiting for about 5-10 minutes. She came back and kinda knocked on the door for me at one point... I guess she figured that I was unfamiliar with using restrooms :P I kinda felt a bit awkward, it's kinda funky when strangers may know that you're crinkly. Luckily, I've only had good interactions <3 Hugs everyone! I'm awfully smiley in this post, this trip is going really well. It's great to see my friends, my family and my old stomping grounds, helps shape new ideas and perspectives. I can't think of anything else to say but stay diapered & thanks for reading! :::about 5 hours later::: Hey again! What a wonderful time I had at the MoMa, I saw many familiar paintings as well as a couple pretty amazing new pieces. The exhibit of Rineke Dijkstra was pretty eye opening, and I finally saw a piece by an abstract favorite of mine, Matthew Barney, it was really amazing to see his work in real life. I did miss out on a couple paintings that really touched me, they must have moved on, seeing the Gerhart Richter exhibit years ago really changed my lifeespecially seeing the art in the flesh... I always wonder why folks take pictures of the exhibits with their phones, you have to be in the same room with the original to truly appreciate it. I was awestruck by it all, the people are often more fascinating than the art, I felt wonderful in the presence of such creativity and appreciation, it's nice to see a packed museum in these days of angry birds and American Idols :P

Aaaand the GDC is pretty awesome, I kinda snuck in for a bit, saw some booths and played TekkenXStreetfighter, it was cool but I got my cute little butt kicked, I'm not so great at using the arcade sticks. I like video games though rarely get time to play them. I just like seeing new graphics and new ideas, it's cool that everyone around me at this moment is talking about map-packs and pixels and all that cool stuff. There's a bunch of people at a table wearing blizzard sweatshirts, I have no doubt that they aren't just fans. That's pretty exciting, I'm feeling very *future* right now, being around these architects of enjoyment.

Another things I'd like to point out before I try and chat up some sexy geeks... I mentioned getting recognized at that coffee shop not to brag about my fancy new fame, but I wanted to express that being AB/DL isn't the barrier that we imagine it to be. People can and will love you, no matter who you are. There's some pretty open-minded folks out there, though often less vocal than the dissenters. Learn to love yourself and and others will follow, love your flaws and favorites, love what is or isn't accepted by the "mainstream". You WILL find people who appreciate you, for your courage and commitment to your cause. When I'm passionate about something I alliterate, hope you don't mind :P I want to impart on you that AB/DL, being trans, or whatever your *thing* is, it's ok, I love you, people can and will love you, don't ever feel afraid to express yourself.

I'm following some folks upstairs to try and get into this party, hugs and love!!! More stuff soon!


  1. How you celebrate your true self is awe inspiring. I love that you are such a whole person. Besides being outwardly beautiful, your inner beauty is even more amazing. Thank you.

  2. Bethany Lynn AdkinsMarch 8, 2012 at 9:50 PM

    Awesome post :) and your right its not that big of a deal i recently told my mom and aunt im AB/DL
    and their response was " So, We love you for you and want you to be happy" that made me feel soo good :)

    i was surprised when i told them i was transgender and they said FINALY you came out :|

    crinkly hugs and cuddles for ever!!


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them