November 14, 2011

Hotel New York

I'm in a hotel in Bing-hamp-ton NY, headed to Niagara. Listening to the song below,you might know this band, they did the original version of the "That 70's Show" theme song and their lead singer, Alex Chilton sang "The Letter" when he was 16 years old. They're fantastic and really influential, I love this era of music, 70's vinyl, great driving music. The words of this song keep me going and I never travel far without a little Big Star.

I'm leaving the Bronx behind for now, i'll be back to travel around further reaches of the coast in December, just taking some time to straighten my head and answer about a million emails I've received since June. Toronto activists, kinksters and crinkly people should contact me, I may be in the area. Organizing a NYC littles munch around Dec 6th, have other adventures planned. That's about it, more video, reviews, webcam chats and thoughts on regressing back from short skirt and long jacket to babydoll dresses and padded undies. More stuff soon, I'll still be trying hard, against strong odds <3


  1. If you're a Big Star fan, you may like a band called Jellyfish, too. Late 80's-early 90's, collapsed under the weight of their own brilliance after two albums...and utterly amazing.

    You can still find some of their songs on YouTube.

  2. happy travels riley. Enjoy the road trip :)


  3. hey im new to this site and this post really grabbed my attention because i live only 20 mins away from binghamton lol hope all is good if you ever come through again or just wanna talk feel free to shoot me an email at im not home very often because of being in ohio for college. hope to hear from you :)


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them