September 3, 2011

crib your enthusiasm

New video, sleepy girl, diapers, life, cuddles, little time, grilled cheese, responsibility, love, hurricanes, transitions.


  1. Forget them riley, theyre heartless. you can do what you want to do and be who you want to be. everytime someone makes fun of you, just laugh at them and keep on with your life. its not worth it to spend weeks thinking of what theyve said.

  2. great video. ive been going through a tough and your videos always center me. good call with the BNL in the beginning.

  3. Riley, i freaken love you for who u are don't let anybody tell you other wise, don't ever change, they are just jealous of you and just live your happy life and hopefully one day i will meet you and have a nice conversation with you <333

  4. If you have a transcript of your videos or is able to add closed captions (CC) to the YouTube movie, that will help a lot for us who are deaf/hearing impaired (about 10% of world population).

    The automatic CC at YouTube I would say is worse than reading a document translated by google translate. :-p Especially the ABDL related words it never get right.

  5. I have been following you on your website for 4 years now I always find myself checking up on your website your story is inspiring you are a great person with a great attitude I love your positive outlook on life it just gives me hope and I know negative comments don't seem to bother you but regardless I still want to say don't listen to what those negative hatful comment posting ass holes half they're wasting they're time and energy when could doing something more productive. and those negative comment posters don't have positive outlook you have they 're a bunch of narrow minded douche bags.

  6. Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words.

    As for the ClosedCaption thing, that will be a consistent from now on, I never bothered to see how awful the youtube CC were.

  7. I want to cuddle you
    you are darling <3

  8. Just keep being the wonderful girl we all admire and love. I hope you will find the one right for you that accept everything that you are. I wish you happiness and a healthy life to you who have changed the way I look at myself and have inspired me in many ways. You have my gratitude Riley Kilo, now and forever.

  9. Don't let the bastards wear you down!

    No matter HOW hard they try!

    Just by being who you are shows them for the pathetic creeps that they really are.

  10. what ever happened to your video archive?

  11. Dear Riley,

    Sniffles, it has been almost two weeks since your last video. We miss our little Girl.

    Love You

  12. "As for the ClosedCaption thing, that will be a consistent from now on, I never bothered to see how awful the youtube CC were."

    I am not the same poster that requested it, but nonetheless the YT's "transcribed captioning" feature blows donkey ass. I'm glad you're willing to fix that one up for those of us (like myself) that can't hear.

    I have been lurking for a (very) long time, have always admired you and your progress in transition into a beautiful young woman. You have questioned my own personal conviction on whom I would be willing to date with in the future (wink, lol!). I grew up straight, but seeing you as a happy transgendered ABDL, it makes me think of who I should really seek for a true relationship, as I have my own personal issues, some women would prefer to remain friends with me. Broadening my horizons would make me happier in the long run and you have made me see that by being who you are.

    Sure, there are trials that we all have to go through but know this: You will be stronger after all of this. You went through what a lot of us wouldn't even do, with TLC - I am very proud of you. Those that put you down, screw them. They do not matter. They shouldn't anyway. Be who you are, yourself - not for others but for yourself.

    I am a Christian, oddly enough. A good scripture from Christ himself: "Love others as you love yourself." First: love yourself, for who you are - regardless of what choices you have made - and then you can love others who despise you for what choices you have made that made you happy. Your happiness is all that matters as you come first before others.

    Keep your chin up, girl. We're very proud of you, those of us that have posted here (and others that are lurking). (well, my post has to end sooner or later, it's really long-winded, LOL!)

  13. Your such a wise little gurl :3 so cute. I love how you are so free and self expressive, you aren't afraid to show your soul :). Most ab/dl's are i being one of them, but you inspire me to just be me. Although it is important to control that arousal to fit into groups of friends its still fun to let it flow and just go wild, by wearing some nice thick diapers under clothes, hehe its all about expanding past the comfort zone and learning to find comfort there. And your into BDSM too :) i just sorta discovered that, its rather kinky I like }:3. Keep on posting the videos Riley, i enjoy listening to what you have to say, your a true cutie pie.

  14. How did you make your crib. What is it made out of I wount to make my own crib


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