August 14, 2011

Quick little update from the streets of NYC. More stuff soon <3
4:00 am - I had just left a dungeon event in Manhattan to a torrential downpour. I didn't think it was going to rain, if only there was some sort of channel for weather information. I'll add "don't forget to bring an umbrella" to my stuff I've learned in NYC list.

I'm so glad to still feel wonder for where I live, the people I meet, and the opportunities I have. Fuck yeah life!


  1. I have been watching your blog for awhile now and I'm glade to see life is treating you as well as it's treating me enjoy life to it fullest potential I do as much as possible. As you can see

  2. any chance we could chat one of these days riley im in the same situation as you now long story but yeah drop me an email if you can john :)


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them