March 2, 2011

things i'm doing

making a new show and tell video

building a crib.


hanging out with my friends

setting up my new apartment

having a snowshoe BBQ

answering emails

and last but not least... 



  1. I love your teddies, your snowshoe barbq looks awesome, and I love your outfit. Big 3/3 - you rock!

  2. let's hear more about that crib!

  3. Yay for fun stuff!

    I dig your outfit :)

  4. LOL I guess it needn't be said again, but that's a great outfit, looks good on you :)


    your looking awesome riley, always cute.

  6. Ooooo I'd be very interested to see your progress on the crib and maybe hear more about what you plan on doing with it theme wise and whatnot :3

  7. Your bunny looks like it has a great personality. Do you talk to stuffties, Riley?

    Your friend,
    Guybrush Threepwood

  8. so you are staying busy girl, hooray for you! That is a nice pic of you out enjoying a day of bowling. I love how adorable you are in a skirt and tights, very cute! What is your avg. in bowling?


  9. My bowling AVG... well, i haven't bowled in quite some time, so my average for the 3 games that day was something like 130, last time I bowled league it was 173, and my high-game is 224 :)

    it's become more difficult to bowl consistently due to my wrists, but I still love to do it now and then, the smell, the sounds, the shoes, I love it all.

    I used to wear an old pair of bowling shoes when I went out to shows, bowling shoes are most hipsterrific footwear available :)


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them