February 5, 2011

Footy Fashion

Hey there! New video!!!

Also, new video over at LetsGetSRS.com

Big hugs! More stuff sooooooon :)


  1. That might be the happiest I've ever seen you in a video :)

    And you're adorable, as always.

  2. Love it -pats your diapered bum- you look awesome hon.

  3. Great Footie Fashion show video, Riley!

    Ya know, I thought I had a lot of footie pjs until I saw this video. You definitely have me beat! :-P (not to mention yours are way cuter as I have boy ones).

    This also makes me wonder if there are any footie pajama collectors out there....

  4. PS: I thought I was the only one who would periodically pat my diaper just to hear the crinkle. Glad I'm not alone!

  5. PPS: Just wanted to let you know there is a "403 Forbidden" error on the form of your Contact page.

  6. Thanks friends <3

    I'm not sure, I've heard reports about that not working, but it works fine for me and a friend on the opposite coast... strange!!! I'm working on it, thanks!

  7. New contact form is live, enjoy the game and stay diapered!!!

  8. Wow New York must be agreeing with you. You are positively beaming these days. It's great to see a happy smile on your face.

  9. Riley could you post a YouTube lInk please? I can't see the video as my iPhone doesnt have flash capability, thanks :)

  10. Wow Riley! You were cheerful in that one! :D Really cute video! lol i see you enjoyed the snow a lot! Hope you enjoyed making the video as much as I enjoyed watching it! :D

  11. I came to say what a few others have already beat me to: I don't think I've ever seen you happier...and it's so CUTE!

  12. that video worked fine for me as does the other ones you posted. Footy Fashion Show was adorable. You captured the moment perfectly. I like the hearts on the sole of your green one. And the layered sleepers was a cute effect & presentation. I too like Tranquility "All-Through-the-Night" diapers, they sound great and hold alot of liquid, the padding stays together longer then most other brands too. You need a trap door version sleeper to go with your collection. I am too big for footy's but love to see ABDLers in them. I have to comment on how bubbly you were in this video, you can tell you were having fun. I love your voice too :) WELL DONE! Btw your girly sleep choice was pretty too, you wear that well also. Keep smiling Riley :)


  13. hehe, thanks a bunch, "Bubbly" is the way i've been described often lately :)





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