January 18, 2011


Here's a little video, words can't explain how lovely my new environment is so I'm clearly at a loss for them more words soon, explanations, thoughts, feelings and wonderment. 
Stay warm my friends!


  1. lol i grew up in colorado where it's snow snow sow i was so tired of it

  2. Didn't you talk about seeing the snow in your Thunderdome post?

  3. Hello friends <3 I doubt i will ever get tired of my chilly fluffy new climate, but thats easy to say just a week in. As for my having seen snow before, once when i was a freshman in highschool it snowed for the hottest of seconds at my school, and I did get a few flakes in Shasta, as mentioned in this Dec 12th 2009 post.


    Very observant anon!

  4. You're in the video wearing diapers? :)

  5. Did you move to New York? We have snow on the ground here with 5 to 7 inches forcast for Sunday then there is another system coming in at the end of the week. I wish you luck in New York.

  6. If you have another chance to have fun in the snow. Go for a walk at night when it's snowing. It's one of my favorite things in the whole wide world everything is so quiet and peaceful. <^_^>


Don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them